Chapter 5

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(This one's a little short, sorry ❤️)

I was sitting on the living room floor with Natasha, Tony, Thor, and Loki. Steve, Clint, and Bruce were watching from the couches. It was about 2 am.

"Gimme." I said and reached out to Tony.

"Oh come on!" He said and handed me the money.

"It's not my fault you landed on my property." I sassed back. We were currently playing Monopoly with a very frustrated Tony. Loki was chuckling at Tony. As he rolled the dice and moved his character. Surprisingly, Loki was very good at Monopoly, and me? I was the queen of the game. I started thinking about how I could build hotels and really take Tony's money. I then proceeded to laugh a little maniacally. Everyone was staring at me as I did.

"Ahem, carry on." I said, a bit shy but oh well. Tony and Natasha then continued to bicker about Tony giving Natasha his money. Thor, Loki, and I just sat and stared.

"I'm not giving it." Tony said to her.

"Come on, Tony, you gotta give it to me."

"No, I got attached to it."

"It's paper."

"Exactly, you don't need it."

"You don't either then."

"Tony just give her the money." I said, interrupting them. Tony had a surprised look on his face.

"Hold on, you can't gang up on me too." Tony said to me. I shrugged.

"Well I just happen to agree with Natasha." I said sassily.

"Well, if I might interject, if Stark does not wish to give his money then there is no point in arguing." Loki said. Everyone was shocked that he had spoken up.

"Yes! See?" Tony said. Me and Natasha were shocked but started arguing against Loki and Tony.

"I can't believe you're on his side Loki, I'm hurt." I said dramatically. Everyone continued to bicker with Thor just staring. Along with the three guys sitting on the couch and watching.

"Why not just give half?" Thor interjected. Everyone stopped abruptly and looked at Thor.

"Now that's a great idea." Tony said to Natasha with his eyebrows raised.

"Might as well take what I can get, you're really a cheapskate in monopoly for such a millionaire." Natasha said while I started laughing my ass off on the ground.

"Excuse me, it's billionaire." Tony replied and I laughed even harder. I had tears in my eyes and everyone was watching me awkwardly but eventually started chuckling too. Once the laughter died down we continued to play.

"YES!" I cried out.

"NO!" Tony cried at the same time. He had gone broke and I was the one who caused it. Tony slammed down all of his property cards onto the board.

"Well Y/n, I'm not proud to say this but good job, you beat me." Tony said to me. I smirked.

"Well maybe you shouldn't have just been a bad player."

"Okay I take it back." Tony said to me as we all started laughing a bit. Tony ended up sitting on a couch while watching the four of us play. Thor was next to go broke since he didn't care as much about the game. Natasha, Loki, and I were very competitive but Natasha ended up going broke. Now it was just me and Loki.

"You're going down Loki."

"Quite the contrary, Y/n, you're going to lose." Loki and I continued to play Monopoly until 4 am and still, everyone was watching intensely. My legs started cramping up but I powered through to beat Loki. He had been sitting in the same position the whole time, cross-legged with his back straight. I tried to sit like him but gave up.

"Come on guys, just give up so we can sleep." Tony said to us.

"Never." Me and Loki had both said. I looked him in the eye and squinted to intimidate him but he ended up intimidating me. We played for another hour or so and it was getting to the end, we were both running out of money. I rolled the dice and landed on Loki's property.

"500." He said with a smirk. My face dropped.

"NOOOOOO!" I cried out, as I laid on the floor dramatically. I only had 450 and I had gone bankrupt.

"I refuse." I said while getting up.

"Come on, Y/n, do it for Tony's sake."

"Yes, finally, thank you Reindeer Games, do it for me, I wanna sleep." Tony said. I let out a sigh and gave my money sadly to Loki. Everyone let out a cheer as the game was finally over. I told everyone to go sleep and they gladly got up and all dispersed, including Loki. I cleaned up the game and put it back into a storage closet.

I went over the big windows in the living room. The sun was rising and I was talking to it in my head. I stood for a while, thinking about my problems and 'talking' with the sun. Someone came back out but stopped when they saw me. They must've went back to their room. I turned around thinking I was alone, but there stood Loki, staring at me.

"Oh hi Loki." I said to him.

"Hello, Y/n." He said back.

"What were you doing?" He asked.

"Oh, well I was just watching the sunrise."

"While in deep thought?" Loki asked me while confused.

"Well, I like to think of the sun as the thing that will always be there for me, as well as the moon, and I always 'talk' to them about my problems and stuff." I said and shrugged. I wasn't ashamed of it.

"I see, kind of like a religion?" Loki asked.

"Well, if you put it like that then yeah." I shrugged again. Loki stepped closer.

"You could always talk to a real god." He said and smirked.

"Yeah well I don't think a real god would want to hear about my problems." I said as I turned away and picked at my nails. I heard Loki walk near me. I turned around and he was right behind. My eyes widened slightly at the closeness.

"Y/n, if you ever have a problem, I truly would want to know about it. You accepted me for the monster I am and that means something to me." Loki said to me while he grabbed both of my wrists.

"Loki, you're not a monster, you're far from that." I told him. He smirked.

"So you're calling me an angel?" He asked, teasingly.

"Wait, what? No, that's not what I said." I said while lightly hitting his chest.

"It's what you implied." He said as he let go of my wrists and put his hands behind his back.

"I think you're just crazy, Loki." I said while chuckling and went to get a snack.

"Perhaps." Loki said as he followed me. I grabbed some chips and started munching. I stopped abruptly when I thought about what I had to say.

"Listen, Loki..." I said to him. He stared at me in confusion.

"About, yesterday morning..." I started. I was trying to talk to Loki about when we slept together and we both woke up while I was on top of him. It was a bit awkward but I should at least apologize.

"Oh, Y/n, it's alright."

"But wasn't it uncomfortable? You could've like, pushed me off the bed or something."

"It wasn't uncomfortable. On another note, why would I push you off of your own bed?" He asked me and I shrugged. I put the chips back and stood in silence with Loki.

"Y/n?" Loki asked.


"If it's not too much, would you tell me about your past?" My heart beat went up a bit.

"Yeah of course, but, can we do it later? I'm very tired from that competitive Monopoly."

"Of course Y/n." I nodded as a thanks and said goodnight to him even thought it was 6 am. I walked to my room and laid on the bed. I sighed as I played with a tiny ball of snow. The tips of my fingers started turning blue but it felt nice. I eventually fell asleep knowing I would have to tell Loki about my past.

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