Chapter 14

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((Finally got the glitch fixed where the song didn't show up, sorry to past readers))

(Don't play the song quite yet)

  It was about nine pm when I started to get ready. I put on some foundation, rose colored eye shadow, and mascara. I wasn't a beauty guru but I was pretty good at make-up. I also put on some light pink lip gloss, and put on a nice highlight onto my cheekbones. I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked really nice. I curled/straightened my hair and slipped on the dress.

  I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled.

  "Miss Y/L/N, someone is here for you." I gasped and quickly ran out of my bathroom. I slipped on some black heels that I already had. I grabbed a (F/C) purse and put my phone, lip gloss, and my credit card into it. I shut off my lights and walked out my door. I passed the living room and I saw everyone sitting there. Tony spotted me first.

  "Woah Y/n!" Tony said, everyone turned to look at me and I stopped and turned towards them. Everyone was looking at me as if I was a princess.

  "Lady Y/n! You look absolutely gorgeous!" Thor shouted towards me. I blushed and thanked him. Everyone was agreeing with Thor and how I looked really pretty, except one person, Loki. I looked towards him and he was staring at me with wide eyes, blush painted across his cheeks, his mouth hung open slightly. He noticed I was staring at him questioningly and shifted in his seat, grabbing a pillow and putting it in his lap. I blushed even more and turned back to everyone who hadn't noticed our little staring contest.

  "Where are you going, Y/n?" Steve asked.

  "I'm going to a club with my friend, his name is Leo."

  "How come we haven't heard of him?" Natasha asked me while raising her eyebrows.

  "Because he's just a friend, and he's waiting for me right now." I turned to leave as everyone was shouting random things like wear protection and to steal all the boys hearts. I rolled my eyes and got into the elevator while waving at everyone. I eventually got to the main lobby and saw Leo standing there wearing dark blue slacks, and a light blue polo shirt with a fancy watch on his wrist. I walked towards him and smiled at him.

  "Wow, hey Y/n." Leo flushed a little and smiled.

  "Hey, this better be a good club we're going to." I laughed and so did Leo.

  "Don't worry, it's great." We both walked out of the building into the night air, New York was just as busy at night than as in day. We took a short walk to the club and got in immediately.

I walked into the club with Leo, the loud music was blasting as we went to the bar to get drinks.

"Hey, bartender, get us some tequila shots." Leo said. The bartender nodded and gave us four shots. Leo gave me two shots and took two for himself. He counted to three and we both drank one then proceeded to drink the other.

"Bartender, 4 vodka shots, please." Leo said. The bartender then brought us the shots.

"Ready?" I nodded and took drank both of the shots. I coughed a bit since it burned my throat and mouth.

"Don't worry, it'll go down easily later." Leo said to me with a wink. I wasn't sure if that was supposed to be dirty or not but I shrugged it off. Leo grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dance floor. We both started dancing as a song came on (play the song now).

I was having a good time dancing and drinking random concoctions. I was already slightly drunk from the shots. I danced with random people and other drunks. At one point I had lost Leo and looked around for him, I saw a pair of green eyes staring at me. I blinked and they disappeared. I found Leo and danced with him. I saw the sun starting to come up through one of the windows.

I went over to the bar to get a couple extra shots before I had to go back to the tower. I could barely walk straight by the time Leo found me. I had drank way more than he probably had.

"Alright lets get you home Y/n." He said to drunken me.

"Nnnnnnnooo I don't *hiccup* wanna- wanna go hhhommme." I slurred out

"Dang, Y/n, how much did you drink?"

"Hehehehe a looooooot." Leo started walking me to the tower. Jarvis recognized my face from security cameras and let us in. We were in the main lobby but Leo didn't walk me to my room so I said a sloppy goodbye and made my way to the elevator. I finally got into the living room where Thor was.

"Hello lady Y/n!" Thor greeted me happily but soon his expression was worried when I tripped over myself and stumbled.

"Hhhhhhhhey Thhhor!" I slurred to him as I wobbled towards the couch. He quickly got up and helped me sit down. Immediately after, I slumped down and laid on the couch sideways. Thor disappeared for a minute or two and came back with Loki following behind him, he looked very concerned.

"Y/n are you okay?" Loki asked.

"Yessssssssss, I'm great..." I snoozed off a bit until Thor shook my shoulder lightly.

"I'll get her." Loki said as he came towards me. He sat next to me and pulled me so I was sitting up, then he picked me up bridal style and took me to my room. He gently laid me down on my bed and started to leave.

"Loki?" I asked him, he turned around instantly.

"Yes dear?"

"Will you change me?" Loki blushed slightly at my request but cake back over to me.

"Would you like me to use my magic, darling or manually."

"Manually." I giggled flirtatiously and let Loki handle my craziness. Loki summoned a green thermal shirt and black pajama shorts that had little white reindeer antlers on them. He untied the strings to my dress and tried to look at my body as little as possible. Eventually he got the shirt and shorts on. He walked into the bathroom to find something to remove my make-up. Eventually he must've found something because he came back with a wipe and started to gently wipe my face and take off the make-up. Finally he was done and was about to leave.

"Loki?" I croaked out again, he turned around with a questioning look.

"Stay with me... please?" Loki sighed and went around to the other side of the bed. He laid down next to me but not too close. I turned over and hugged his side, resting my head on his stomach. He smiled to himself and held me closer.

(Hey everyone! So I'm on a vacation currently and won't be able to start a new chapter or update for about 4 days, so sorry! But anyways I hope you like where the book is heading, I'm trying my best and any feedback is great! Have fun reading!)

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