Chapter 25

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We get the largest popcorn they have, and sit on a bench nearby, filling our mouths with popcorn. I throw one at Shawn to get his attention.

''For the record Shawn, your hair always looks like that''. The answer I get is an insulted sniff and a handful popcorn in my hair.

''You didn't! Guess what, now you get to detangle it''. I turn my back to him waiting for him to start taking the popcorn out of my hair. 

''Anything for my birthday girl'' I feel his hands carefully comb through my long hair. Very gentle, for a boy. The tip of his fingers tickling my back. When he's done, he tugs my hair behinds my ears and tells me to wait a minute before turning back around.

I try taking a peak over my shoulder. I've never been good at surprises. ''Hey, no peeking!'' he says. When I get permission to turn around his hands are closed around something. 

''Sorry I didn't have time to wrap it'' he says.

''You got me something?'' I whisper. He laughs and move his hand away. It's a pink headband saying 'It's my birthday'. I roll my eyes taking it on

''How do I look?'' I pout and Shawn answers with a heartwarming smile and a blitz from his phone. ''Beautiful''.

We finish our popcorn and continue our walk through the magical light. The other visitors mostly contains of people our age holding hands or kissing on the benches. Since we're neither, we keep our focus on something else. 

''I was thinking...'' I start. ''What was it you were trying to tell me last night? When my dad came home'' But Shawns eyes are a whole other place. He's stopped, now looking at the enormous ride in front of us.

''Don't even think about it Shawn. It 50 meters of ground AND there's loops!'' I shake my head, not willing to move. Shawn approaches me with a fishy smile. ''No. Have a nice ride Shawn'' I say taking a step back when we takes a step forward.

''Did I mention you look really pretty today?'' He says. I untangle my arms already softening up. He take the last meter in one step, closing the distance between us. I see my only chance is to make a run for it, but Shawn's long arms catches me around my waist and drags me towards 'The Devil'. Yup, the ride is called 'The Devil'.

He holds a tight grip on me till the line behind us covers the entrance, making it impossible for me to turn back.

''Did I mention I'm afraid of heights? And turning upside down?'' He shakes his head, a boyish smile planted on his face. ''Come on. It'll be fun. Promise''.

The girls in front of us keep looking back and before it happens I know it. They set their hair, turn around and smile flirty at Shawn. I just look away, knowing he's gonna have to keep up with his 3rd rule. Never saying no to a selfie. They each hug him, and one even holds hands with him.

I remember what the girl from Kings&Queens said and decide to tell Shawn about her later.

He leans into me with a hand around my shoulder ''Sorry about that''.

''It's fine'' I try to convince the both of us. ''Really'' I say when he gives me a doubting look. 

The line moves and when Shawn makes a move to remove his arm from my shoulder I lay my hand on his stopping him.

We have three seatbelts on and yet I don't feel very safe. Ahead of us I see the first twist. I take a deep breath waiting for Shawn to call me a baby or something, but when I look to my left he's just as scared as me, if not more. He mumbles for himself. Maybe the word fuck?

''So you do say fuck'' I think out loud. Maddie always says he uses that word a lot.

He looks at me surprised ''Yeah like all the time. You haven't heard?''

''Well, you haven't said it while being with me'' I come back.

''Really?'' he says as the machine starts running.

''Yes'' I say, with my voice shaking a little.

He looks at me one last time, getting the final words.

''Well that must be because I'm well raised. You know, not to swear around kids'' I get one last smile before we both knock our heads back in the seat and is pushed forward with 80m/h.

Somewhere on the trip, Shawn managed to take my hand while continuing to scream his lungs out with me.

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