Chapter 29

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The next ten minutes we sing along on the songs playing in the radio. I admit I pretend I don't know all the words, just so I can hear him sing. And I think he knows. I'm really getting in a party mood as we drive towards downtown Toronto.

Shawn turns the radio down. ''You know what I saw earlier? It kinda surprised me''

I shake my head.

''You have told me you hate when people take pictures of you right?''

I nod. Another reminder that the kiss could have destroyed my personal life and I hate myself for not regretting it the slightest.

''Can you explain why I get a mail from the shop I just sponsored asking me to get posters made, with you on them? In that outfit you're wearing right now''.

I shake my head. I can not explain that.

''She did not mention anything about any posters. She just took a picture. You said no right?''

I can feel him looking at me, but still a tiny bit embarrassed I keep looking at the road. When he doesn't answer me, I pull myself together and meet his gaze. I knew before I looked I wouldn't be able to control my blushing and of course I'm right. Shawn giggle and turn towards the road. 

''Yes. But it's too bad. It was a really good picture''

Then we drive down a hill to a parking lot under the building Shawn lives in. The place Shawn lives. Sleeps. Eats. Shower. Why do I get to party in his apartment and not get his phone number? 

I remember I forgot to ask him something. ''Yesterday at the hotel, you tried to tell me something important...'' I begin, leaving it up to him to finish. When he don't I continue. If I say something I'm not supposed to I can drink it away once we get inside. ''What was it?''

''Later? We have a party to attend''.

We park and I stop Shawn from getting out by grabbing his sleeve. I get a flashback the ferris wheel. Could he kiss me again tonight? Does he want to?

''You look like you just had some sort of vision. Penny for your thoughts?''

My hand is still on his jacket, when I step back to reality.

''Who will be here?'' He bites his lip. He's hiding something from me.

But he just says. ''Let's go''

We take the elevator. It's playing a famous melody, but I can't remember what it's called.

''I'm about to see your house!'' If Maddie was here, she would freak. More than I am right now.

Shawn says to his and my surprise''Are you acting like a fan right now?''.

''I am a fan. I like your music'' I defend myself.

''But you always act like everything I tell you is news'' he wonders.

''It is. I'm surprised about how much the media gets wrong about celebrities''.

The elevator blings which signals that we're here.

We get out as he says ''I only live here half time. My favorite home is the road''. Yet another fact the media gets wrong. Shawn's fans mean his world to him. I smile for myself and stay behind him. He stops in the open hallway that leads into the huge living room and turn around so he's facing me. As un-observant as I am, I bump directly into his chest. We both think about the many times we've done this, these past weeks and laugh. I swear I hear someone cough but the next thing I see is nothing. Shawn has stepped behind me, covering my eyes with his hands. 

He whisperer near my ear. ''I know you hate surprises, but I just couldn't help it''

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