001 | pilot

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐎 the cemetery was nothing short of terrible. The trees were all barren and looked exactly like skeletons. It might have been Spring, but the whole "new beginning" vibe had been late with kicking in. I was starting to wonder if the trees would ever bloom into different shades of green.

Music softly played through the speakers of the car, and although it was one of the less rocky rap songs, I couldn't tell what they were singing about. It was Gray's favorite music, so who the hell knew. He was the one driving to the place of graves and bodies that lay six feet underground, the world outside barely moving in my eyes. I could hear the faint tap of his finger against his leg, a heavy sigh coming from the back seat.

I didn't have to look from my view out the window, knowing full well it was Erza. She never cared for Gray's odd taste in tunes, and it was highly evident in the reflection of the window. She was sitting upright ― stiff as a board and unmoving, her jaw tight with the task of holding her tongue. If it were any other day or time, I would have brought it up just so he would turn it off.

"Gray, turn off the music. Not only is it not the time for it, but you're making all of us want to jump out of the car," Lucy's soft voice made Gray turn the horrible music off with a grumble. Silence settled in the moving vehicle afterward, the dull roar of the engine the only noise in the air.

My eyelids kept trying to droop shut, but I fought to keep them open. I was exhausted beyond belief; I was never able to sleep after that night, always having the same nightmare. I couldn't get it out of my head, and I knew that I would desperately need to. But the thing was that I didn't want to.

The car suddenly jerked to a hard stop, causing everyone in the vehicle to lurch forward. I nearly hit my head on the dashboard, my hand pressing against it on instinct is the only thing saving me from the pain. I have the strong urge to smack Gray upside the head, but Erza beat me to it.

None of us three favored his driving, and this screeching to a halt proved just that. He had insisted on driving, though, saying that if I drove, we would be in an accident. I had agreed because of two reasons. One being the fact I was too tired to give a damn, and two being, he had hit the nail on the head.

I had been distracted this entire time, dazing in and out of awareness due to guilt and agony. My skin had a visible red blotch where I had put my arm on the door. It felt numb as if it had lost all its feeling. I couldn't blame my arm; I didn't want to feel anything either.

Various openings and closings of the car doors thumped in the heavy air. With this particular group of high schoolers, things would be a bit more lively, but it was like Lucy had said earlier. It wasn't the time for it.

Said blonde clutched flowers in her arms and one could see her shaking uncontrollably. Lucy was like an open book ― for me at least. It helped when we somehow hit it off in freshman year. For some reason, I couldn't remember how we met in the first place.

My gaze shifted to Erza ― who stood as rigid as a board nailed into place. She was a lot different from Lucy, much more difficult to get a read on. One minute she's smiling and energetic, then the next she's wanting to kill you or knock you in the head with a book. That was actually how I met her.

I don't even know where to categorize Gray, but he was too odd to not fit in our circle. Beside his habit of striping ― and in public ― he would always be there if anyone in our cluster of friends needed cheering up. And how we met? I shudder just at the thought of the encounter.

That small sliver of feeling had dissolved the moment I looked out at the headstones, the grass yellow and dead. Four pairs of feet crunched on the blades as we made our way to a certain slab of stone. All four of us halted, the faint breeze the only thing alive. Even Gray's quiet humming stopped; I think it was hard for us all to read the words engraved in that damn headstone.

Lisanna Strauss.
A loved sister, friend, and a caring soul.

It had been a week since she had died. A whole week of feeling like it was my fault. I nearly crumbled to my knees upon reading her name. It hadn't really sunk in until just now, and it made me want to punch the slab of stone to pieces. I wasn't ready for her to leave, and as Lucy replaced the old flowers with the ones in her arms, I knew I wasn't the only one.

"Hey, Lis," I could barely hear Lucy's whisper. The backs of my eyes stung just from those words, knowing that no one could repeat them to Lisanna in person. "We're all here. Well, I guess not all of us," her laugh was quiet and dull. "Wendy and Romeo couldn't make it, but they'll be here in a few days to visit you. Me, Erza, Natsu, and Gray are here, though."

I could take it no longer.

The tears just started flowing ― and I didn't bother hiding them. I hadn't cried in days, forcing myself to keep somewhat of a clear mind. I never wanted to cry in my life, but in life, no one ever got what they wanted. I barely felt Gray's hand on my shoulder, his fingers gripping me to let me know I wasn't alone. I let out a shaky breath, still twisted and aching with my heart barely beating ― unlike the sirens that beat in my ear.

I turned around on my foot, using my sleeve to wipe my tears. Blue and red lights were all I could see, blinding and loud. The next thing I knew was my wrists being pressed behind my back, something cold holding them there.

It took me a moment too long to realize they were handcuffs. The voice speaking helped me figure it out. "Natsu Dragneel, you are under arrest for being a suspect in the Lisanna Strauss murder."

I was pushed forward; more strings of words were spoken to me, except I couldn't understand them. All I heard was the muddied protests of my comrades, shocked and surprised. I heard the muffled screams of my name. I imagined them being held back in their tries to get to me. And as the police car door shut with me inside, I felt a lone tear slide down my cheek.

Not only did I let down Lisanna, but I had let them down, too.

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