007 | hot tears against my skin

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𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 dump their coffee on their heads, Gray and Gajeel's pointing fingers edging me on. It would be so easy to just pop the lid off and act like it was an accident, but I had just gotten this job. The point was to keep it, not get fired on my third day of working here. So I just grinned and bared it, setting their coffee cups on the counter in front of them. They were to-go cups — hopefully, the name would hold up to its purpose.

"You look like a freaking butler, man!" Tears were gathering in Gajeel's eyes, but his comment made me look down at my outfit. I just wore regular clothing with a black apron over it. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah," I muttered. "Get your laughs out now."

Their laughing fit continued as they moved off to the side, allowing me to get the next customer's order. I tried to ignore their snickers, but soon there was a flash of red, then silence. I glanced over to where the two were, only to suppress a smile of my own when Erza had them both by an ear.

"There is no reason to be laughing!" she scowled. "Unlike you two lazy bumps-on-a-log, Natsu is trying to make himself useful!" Trying? That kind of stung, to be honest. "Either sit down or go home!"

When Erza had stopped yelling at the two, she let go of their ears to walk to the counter, leaning against it. I tapped at the register, taking care of the last few customers with Erza watching, a rare smile on her face. I knew she was proud of me; it didn't take a genius to figure that out.

Erza's like a big sister to me, always being there for me when I fell down. She would help me back up — after yelling at me for being stupid — and tell me to never give up. Even though we've only known each other for a few years, our bond had grown into one of trust and reliability. I wouldn't have it any other way.

I turned towards her, wiping my sweaty hands on my pants. She noticed this, commenting, "Nervous much?"

"I haven't worked anywhere for two years," I emphasized by holding up two fingers. "Don't judge me."

Erza just laughed. She looked over at her shoulder — my gaze following — to spot a few of our friends sitting at a table. She patted the counter, her stare running over the area where employees were only allowed. "You're doing great, Natsu. Keep it up."

"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, Erza," I say. She gave one last nod, turning to join the others where they sat. I looked up to the clock, the hour hand only a few minutes away from reaching the twelve-hour mark. I turned to Makarov — who stood on a stool in order to take care of drive-through — saying, "I'm gonna take my break."

He merely nodded, tapping at the register as I made my way to the break room. Not even five steps through the door and all I c white. My hand flew out, seeking support from the wall. My legs suddenly felt numb and my heart was in pain.

No, I thought, this can't be happening. Not now. I hadn't had nightmares for the last couple of days — I was well rested and feeling great. But that one second when all I can see is white and blue, I can't seem to get my body to function properly.

Every time this happens, it's like my body automatically shuts down. It acts like it's a computer trying to protect itself from a virus or overheating, but nothing could have saved me from this. Her smile was blinding me from seeing what was in the outside world, causing me to crash into something. It cut into my skin, but I couldn't see it, nor did I care at the moment.

Hot tears ran down my cheeks, falling off onto my lap. I didn't know when I had sat down, but I was. It all felt so real, like I was back in that house, staring down at Lisanna's still and unmoving body. The gunshot rang in my ears, heavy like a drum that wouldn't stop beating. It was deafening and unbearable.


I shook my head at the voice, thinking it was Lisanna calling out to me. But it came again, this time closer and more concerned than afraid.

Natsu, look at me.

The hallucinations slowly faded away, leaving me to stare at Lucy's worried brown eyes. Her hand was on my cheek, directing my gaze down to her. I could barely see anything, but it wasn't because of white and blue — it was the blood that ran into my eyes.

"Are you okay?" she asked, hurrying to get the first aid kit from between two shelves. She sat down in front of me, opening it to rummage through the contents. My throat suddenly felt dry, and my voice cracked when I spoke. "What... happened?"

Taking out a wipe, Lucy began cleaning the wound on my forehead. I winced at the burning sensation, but I didn't shy away from her touch. She was being gentle, as if she would hurt me even more than I already was. "I heard something fall, so I came to see what was going on. That's when I found you on the floor. Are you alright?"

I didn't respond, only closing my eyes. I tried to focus on her movements, trying to distract myself from — well, myself. I could feel her fingers through the wipe, and I could feel how delicate she was being when she put the bandage around my head.

However, the moment when her fingers were wiping away my tears, my eyes flew open. Her big brown eyes were staring back at me, a soft smile on her face. It was a smile filled with understanding and pain. Her smile seemed to brighten when I looked at her, her eyes closing.

"You're not the only one hurting, Natsu," she said softly. My skin tingled when her fingers barely skimmed my cheeks, the tear stains now gone. She opened her eyes, the radiant smile still on her face. "Lisanna was one of my closet friends, and even though you loved her, so did I. We'll get through this, Natsu."

Tears had begun to well up in my eyes, but I fought them. With care — as if I would break like a glass bowl — Lucy wrapped her arms around me, bringing my forehead to rest on her shoulder. Not able to fight the tears anymore, I clutched the back of her shirt, crying into her shoulder.

I couldn't hear Lucy crying, but I could feel her hot tears against my skin.

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