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"𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐒𝐔! 𝐈'𝐌 𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐘 to bug you, but I need you to help me real quick!" Jellal's shout came from beyond my open bedroom door.

Setting down my pen, I hurried to poke my head out of the door, spotting Jellal at the foot of a stepladder. He gestured to the top of our Christmas tree, the topper still on top of the now barren branches.

"I'm coming," I said before shutting my door.

I held the stepladder level as Jellal began climbing to the top, reaching out his hand to grab the cheap topper he had bought at the last minute. When I think back to the Christmas I had spent with him and the others that had come, I couldn't stop my smile from taking over my face.

"And just what are you grinning about, hmm?" Jellal questioned from the top of the stepladder, now sitting to stare down at me.

I scowled. "It may do you good to remember whether you fall or not is at my discretion."

He grabbed his shoulder in mock-pain, hissing. "I thought you loved me, Natsu."

I barely just made the stepladder wobble, nearly dropping to my knees in laughter when Jellal hugged the ladder in a vice-like grip. Once the ladder was on all fours, he sent me the scariest glare he could muster when his eyes were terrified. "I so hate you."

"Awe, and here I thought you loved me," I threw right back at him, a grin on my face the entire time. Sticking his tongue out at me, he carefully made his way back down the ladder after he handed me the Christmas tree topper.

I took the box it had come in and opened it, placing it carefully inside before sealing it up and placing the box in the tout Jellal had bought for decorations. Noise sounded behind me as Jellal folded the stepladder, placing it somewhere in the closet by the kitchen.

"Thanks for the help, Natsu," I heard him say from inside the closet.

I snapped the tout's lid shut, hoisting it up in my arms to carry it in Jellal's direction. "Sure thing. I needed to take a break from those questions anyway."

"Oh, yeah! I remember you saying something about having to answer some questions for therapy." Taking the tout from my hands, Jellal smiled slightly at me. "Sorry if I caused you to lose your train of thought."

"Jellal, I swear if you apologize to me one time, I'm gonna poke you in the eye." I laughed. I stood by the closet door, absentmindedly watching as Jellal reorganized the contents inside.

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