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‑ˏˋ 𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐔𝐄 ˊˎ‑

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‑ˏˋ 𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐔𝐄 ˊˎ‑

"𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐎𝐍𝐄: 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 does your name mean to you? It technically means summer, but what does it mean to me in particular? I'm honestly not sure. Maybe that I'm generally a bright person. But if these questions are supposed to make me be completely honest with myself, then I suppose I'm not a bright person.

"These past few years have been a roller coaster with me and my conscience when it came down to who was in control. There were times when I had completely lost sense of myself, and I barely ever regained control of my body. I guess, when my parents were picking out names for their son, I guess they named me Natsu in hopes that I would be a bright and cheery person.

"And I was for a while, but then I started to go downhill rather quickly when my dad passed away. So, in a roundabout way, I don't know what my name means to me, but is it that important? It doesn't tell anyone who I am where it counts; it's just a name to go with a face. But I don't think I could have a different name. After all, there's only room on this Earth for one Natsu, and I think I'd prefer the one Natsu to be me.

"Question two: what's your favorite color? Didn't you ask me this during our first session or something? Well, if you did, I still have no idea. At first, I think I told you red was my favorite just to make you shut up... Sorry about that, by the way. Although, I think I'll stick with red.

"If you sit there and think about it, it's one of the few things that connect everyone. Blood may not be red until it's exposed to oxygen (or something like that; sorry, but I didn't exactly do well in school...), but blood runs through all of our veins. No matter how twisted and wicked a person is, we're all still living. We all have blood that's thicker than water that keeps our bodies moving, our hearts beating.

"I really hope that these aren't one-worded questions...

"Question three: what's your favorite animal? A what now? You have got to be kidding me right now. A favorite animal, Gildarts? How exactly is this supposed to help my mental state? Uh, I guess I'd have to put a dragon. But that's only because my father used to read this book with a dragon that was a villain. If I remember correctly, I think the dragon turned out to be on the good side and the friend of the protagonist was the villain all along.

"Geez, my memory hates me sometimes, I swear.

"Question four: what's your favorite book? ...I literally have no idea what to put here simply because I. Don't. Read. And I'm pretty sure that I told you this in the same words when you asked if I would be willing to read your therapy book. And no offense, Gildarts, but I would never pick up that book even if I were paid a million dollars. Sorry, not sorry."

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