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𝐈 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐃 𝐉𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐋 shuffle to the door after the three knocks had sounded. Voices soon drifted through my bedroom door, muffled due to the wood being closed. I knew the sound of Jellal's voice simply because it's been drilled into my memory for the past day. The second voice seemed feminine, slightly piquing my curiosity.

Raising my head from the pillow, I almost fell off my bed but caught myself by quickly placing my hands on the floor. I fell like it's been forever since I've moved from this bed, so my limbs were as stiff as boards. The voices continued to talk to each other, and my damn nosy side began to surface.

I slowly made my way to the door as if I was a little kid sneaking around, cracking open the door to see Jellal talking to a worried Erza. I leaned up against the wall, listening to their conversation. I wasn't too pleased with the topic of discussion.

"I've been worried about the guy," Jellal was saying. "I know it's only been a day, but the fact that he's not going to be working ― it practically killed him."

Erza sighed. "He always takes things too seriously, the damn fool. Is he in his room?" When no one spoke, I could only assume that Jellal had nodded. I quietly closed the door, locking it just in time as the knob shook. A huff came from the other side, leading to a knock. "Natsu, let me in."

"And let you see me like 'the damn fool' I am? I'll pass," I retorted. I knew Erza was taken aback by her silence. I didn't say anything, only leaning against the door. The wood creaked on the other side, meaning Erza was probably leaning up against it, as well.

"I brought you some cake. Your favorite is chocolate, right?"

This made my face go into my hands. Typical Erza, always trying to make everyone feel better by offering some sweets. She would be the first one to anyone's aid―whether it was if they were sick or in the hospital. She would always find a way to you, even if there was a hundred-mile thick brick wall between you and her.

"I'm not hungry," I wasn't necessarily lying. I just didn't feel like eating anything any time soon.

"How about I leave it in the fridge? Just in case, okay?"


Silence settled between us again, and I was getting tired of it. Too much quiet meant there was too much thinking. There was too much being in the head that I wanted out of. Why couldn't she just kick down the door already and threaten to kill me? Or she could hit me upside the head with a book or a spatula. It would make things so much simpler.

"You need to get off your ass."

That works.

I huffed. "I'm sorry, but I'm comfortable on it." I looked at my hands ― they were dry. "Besides, I'm not going to be able to work anywhere if I can't get a job at a café. What's the point — "

"Because you're Natsu."

I stopped, my shoulders and entire body tense. Her voice was soft and gentle, the way it always got when she was comforting someone she cared about. This Erza — the one that knew just what to say — was brutally honest and harsh, but sometimes that's what people need. Someone to tell you how it really is and nothing else.

And as tears trailed down my face, I knew that was what I needed. "I can't be that Natsu anymore, Erza. I've tried, but — "

"You've tried? Because I haven't seen you try once," her tone was stern and soft at the same time. "Ever since you got out of that jail, you haven't even lifted a finger to be the person you were before Lisanna." My teeth chattered just at her name. "We're all hurting, Natsu. But the one thing that I think all of us are afraid of is losing you, too. You're the knucklehead we all love, and we may not be able to know how much your hurting, but we can help you overcome it. You just can't shut us out because that'll hurt you even more. It's time to fight back, Natsu."

Something slid under the door, poking me. I turned to look down at it, letting out a shaky breath when I saw a tissue. I took it, wiping my tear stains before letting my stare fall on the window. Faintly, the door to the apartment opened and shut, and somehow, it caused something to click inside of me.


I leaned against the wall with my arms crossed, watching the sky as the sun began going down. The last few customers were leaving the building as I stood there, my ratty sweatshirt shielding me from the wind. The lights inside the café were turning off one by one, leaving only a selected few for the manager to see.

What Erza had said stirred something inside me. She was right — I wasn't myself, and it was time to change that. I had let an event change me when it shouldn't have. I wasn't going to sit on my butt anymore and sulk about it. I'm going to get my life back, and if practically getting yelled at by Erza is the way to do it, then that's how it's going to be.

I waited until the last person had left, grabbing the door before it shut. Walking inside, I looked around for the little man, knowing he would be here at this hour. At first, I couldn't find him, so I just kept walking around among the upturned chairs. I wonder how he got them up on the tables.

"I'm sorry, sir, but we're closed."

The same voice that had told me I couldn't work here sounded, making me turn to the little man that held my fate. He looked up at me with his eyebrows raised, as if waiting for me to do something. His eyes suddenly widened with realization. "Wait a moment ― you're Natsu Dragneel. What are you doing here at this time?"

"Before you call the police, I wanted to tell you something," I blurted. He was looking at me expectantly now, which scared the hell out of me. I should have gone over what I was going to say before coming in here. "I understand why you won't let me work here, but I promise that I didn't do anything. I'm currently going through some personal stuff, obviously, but if you give me a chance, I won't let you down. It was about time I got off my rear end and do something, and the only way to do that is by getting a job. I'm also a lot better when I have my crap straightened out."

I froze when I just let that slip out, immediately dropping my head to mutter, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that. I'm just frustrated with myself if I'm being honest. I'm a lot better than this, and before everything had happened, I was a person who would act before he thought, making people laugh at his stupidity. And I thought that maybe ― just maybe ― if I could have something to do and take my mind off of things, maybe I'll be able to become that Natsu Dragneel again."

I hadn't heard even a sound from Makarov, causing me to think that he had fallen asleep. However, when he started walking away, my gaze followed the tiny man. He stopped at the counter, his hands behind his back. "I wonder if I could see this Natsu Dragneel one day, but I suppose the only way to do so is to let a felon work here."

At his words, my hopes heightened, no matter how hard I tried to push them down. I waited eagerly for him to finish, his dark eyes turning to look right at me. "I seem to recall you wanting to get 'your crap straightened out', am I right? If you promise to work hard ― including with what's going on in that head ― then you may work here. After all, someone quit earlier today so we have an extra spot that needs to be filled."

I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face as Makarov continued to walk away. "Come with me, Natsu. We need to clean up before we can leave."

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