021 | lucky number eleven

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𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐀 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇 𝐔𝐒𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 hosts their basketball games on Thursdays, meaning basically anyone could set foot on campus to cheer for either team. I stood at the front door, the loud screams and cheers sounding from inside. No one was outside in cold, nipping wind ― no one even sat behind the table to collect money for the game. Squeaks came from inside, making it known that the game had already begun.

Sighing, I set five dollars in the pouch that was left unattended. The moment I stepped through the door, the smell of sweaty socks and the echoing cheers engulfed me instantly. I was in the small corridor where the built-in concession stand was; there was a line to prove it.

I had to maneuver around little kids and elbow my way through the insanely thick mass of people. Just how major was this team? When I was in school, no one was this crazy about basketball. I just shook my head, standing in the doorway that led to the gymnasium. Standing there, I watched the two teams dribble the ball down the court for a few minutes.

In that short amount of time, Magnolia High scored four two-point baskets and a three-pointer. I glanced up at the scoreboard and nearly fell over. It wasn't even the second half, and yet, Magnolia High had scored twenty-nine points as to where their opponent only had six points.

"Number Eleven! Number Eleven! Number Eleven!"

My attention was directed to the crowd behind, and I nearly fell on my face for a second time. The bleachers were jampacked; if there was a single seat left, I could guarantee it wasn't there anymore. But they were all chanting for the exact same number. Each and every single one of them. Just who was this guy to make everyone cheer his number?


I turned on my heel, my gaze landing on Juvia, who had her hands full of chip bags and Gatorades. "Oh, Juvia. Here, let me help you with that." I reached out to grab the drinks, leaving her with the chips. Curiously, I looked at the four Gatorade bottles: artic blast, fruit punch, grape, and black cherry.

"Thanks, Natsu," Juvia said, walking towards the bleachers. "Gajeel and Levy are over in that general area."

I had to follow Juvia right on her heels, or otherwise, I would have lost her in the many people that were walking around us. Never have I ever seen this gym so full of people; it would be torture for claustrophobic people. Slowly, but surely, we made it to the corner in the top bleachers where Levy and Gajeel sat. Levy, of course, had her nose buried in a thick book. Gajeel, as predicted, was taking a nap against the outer rail.

Upon our sudden appearance, Levy looked up, then turned to elbow Gajeel in the ribs. He jolted forward, scowling ― but that was before he saw the chips Juvia had. He practically dove for them, grabbing all the bags to rip one open. I should have known all the chips were for Gajeel.

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