023 | not a hero

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𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐓 𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐊 for me to freeze was one. Just one gunshot and I was left with my grip tightening on the cart's handle. Everything was deathly quiet; I knew screams were sounding everywhere in the store, but my ears caught none of it. My surroundings had started to blur and spun.

People say that if you spin around enough, then stop suddenly, you can see the earth spinning from where you stand. You can see the speed at which the planet we stand on spins, and how it continuously restarts on your righthand side.

This kind of spinning is the kind that no one ever wanted. And I was included in that group.

I tried grabbing onto a nearby shelf to keep from falling, but the shelf gave way, the objects clattering to the ground. My entire world spun and spun and spun as if it wouldn't stop. I could feel the backs of my eyes stinging, my vision blurred by the tears that gathered in my eyes.


The shelves and walls of the store melted into the Strauss' old living room. I was sitting on the floor, surrounded by a pool of dark blood. My arms, my legs ― my entire body was both frozen and trembling at the same time.


My ears perked slightly at the voice, and the living room walls began to fade away.

Natsu, look at me.

It wasn't long before Lucy's voice rang out clearly. Her hands were on my cheeks, gently wiping away my tears. For a spilt second, we were back in the break room, holding onto each other as we broke apart ― quietly and slowly.

"It'll be okay, Natsu." She was trembling in fear ― I could feel it in her shaking fingertips ― but she still smiled with terror in her eyes. She gulped. "We'll be fine. As long as we stick together."

Slowly but surely, my breathing evened out, only for me to hold my breath when someone shouted: "Come out, Lucy! I know you're here!"

Lucy and I locked eyes instantly. A million thoughts ran through my head all at once, but there was only one that stood out to me: not again. There was no way I could let history repeat itself, even if I was frozen to the spot. I wasn't a hero ― no, not even close. But whoever was the cause of all this chaos wanted Lucy where they could see her.

My blood ran cold and goosebumps rose on my arms. Without thinking, I pulled Lucy closer to me by her shoulders, my chin on her head. The smell of strawberries and cream filled my nose, but it didn't calm my nerves this time; not now when the past was haunting me in reality.

Imaging I could swallow my fears and uncertainty, I swallowed. "I need you to listen to me," I whispered. "You need to stay right here, okay?"

She leaned back, grabbing my wrist with her hands. She shook her head. "No. I can't let you ― "

"I'm getting impatient, Lucy! Hurry and get out here, or I'll have to come get you!"

I tried to pry my wrist from her fingers in an attempt to get to my feet, but she was stronger than she looked. "Lucy, let me go!" I hissed. She continued to fight against me, using a hand to grab my shirt. I clenched my jaw. "Lucy!" I didn't want to hurt her, so instead of fighting against her more, I used my free hand to bring our foreheads together.

Her eyes widened and her grip on my wrist loosened. I breathed out a sigh of relief, but I didn't have any time to waste. "I have to do this, Lucy. After everything that's happened, I just ― " I trailed off, trying to find the right words that would get across what I was trying to say.

I searched through all those weeks of sessions with Gildarts, through all those moments where I felt like giving up, through all those times where I couldn't stand how my life had ended up. All those memories and there was only one thing I could tell her: the truth.

"I can't lose you, Lucy," I choked out. "After everything that's happened, I would always find myself the happiest with you. All of Erza's harsh but honest words, all of Jellal's help, all of Mirajane's beatings ― I couldn't be myself around anyone but you. I can't ― you can't ― "

I couldn't finish that sentence and I knew Lucy sensed it. Despite the impending danger, I felt her hand on my cheek. The feeling of her forehead against mine disappeared, replaced with the soft touch of her lips against my hairline. I closed my eyes on instinct.

This moment ― right here, right now ― felt so right. I forgot about everything, lost in the single expanded second that we were given with each other. There was only Lucy, there was only me; there was only us. But nothing ever lasted forever, because the sound of a third gunshot had me opening my eyes and backing away.

I hurried to my feet before I convinced myself to stay. Turning one last time, I opened my mouth to speak, except Lucy had beat me to it. "Try not to get shot, Natsu. For me."

I just smiled, stepping quietly to the end of the aisle. This was crazy ― no doubt about it, but I had made up my mind. No matter who was looking for Lucy, no matter who held that gun, and no matter what happened, I would never let anyone else down. I wouldn't disregard anyone's cry for help; whatever it was, I wouldn't run from it. Not ever again.

Peeking around the corner of the shelves, I stopped in my tracks. No one else was at the front of the store except for him. He stood there, shaking with rage and with the gun clenched tightly in his fist. I had half-expected the cashier to be cowering on the floor with the rest of the customers, but there was no one. No one was in the store but me, Lucy, and him.

And before I could even stop myself, I stepped out from behind the safety of the shelves.


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