016 | say quack, quack

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𝐈 𝐓𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 𝐌𝐘 foot against the tile, watching as Jellal went back and forth between a plater of cookies and a vanilla cake. We had been in the store for about two hours and at this rate, Jellal was going to make us late. Today I was supposed to go to Lucy's apartment and watch a movie with everyone, but when I found out that Jellal was off from work and had nothing to do, I invited him.

Long story short, I was starting to regret it.

"I just don't know," Jellal groaned. He glanced over at me with his eyebrows furrowed. "You're not exactly helping me. You won't tell me what your friends like to eat."

I decided to mess with him since we would both be killed by Erza the moment we got there. "It's fun to watch you argue with yourself."

My remark earned a glare from the odd man, which made me chuckle to myself. I went back to leaning against the cart, completely bored out of my mind. It wasn't just the sweets that Jellal wanted to take to the movie get-together, but he had also wanted to do some light shopping. Sorry, Gildarts, but light my ass.

"Jellal, come on!" I whined like a two-year-old that's not getting a lollipop. "You don't know Erza, but I do! And she'll murder us if we aren't ― " I was cut off when someone walked past me, catching my eye.

I was lucky to be leaning on the cart, for the person that walked by had white hair. I could have sworn I had seen Lisanna's blue eyes and kind smile, but I knew better than that. It didn't stop me, though, in watching as the stranger kept walking down the aisle. My heart twisted in anguish and for a moment, I forgot where I was until Jellal put a hand on my shoulder. I whipped my head around, jumping back before I knew who it was.

Jellal's expression had saddened immediately. "I don't think I never told you why I wanted a roommate."

Before I knew it, Jellal had set the plater of cookies in the cart and was heading in the direction of the cash registers. I hurried to catch up with him, slowing once at his side. "When I was around seven, maybe eight, I never really had any friends because I was different. I didn't really know what had set me apart from the other kids ― I did everything they did. But as I got older, I started to figure out why. You wanna guess?"

If it were any other situation, I would have said something to mess with the guy, but with the longing look in his eyes, I just shook my head. I may not be very good at reading people at times, but Jellal's childhood was a sensitive subject to him. And after everything he's done for me, the least I can do is listen to him and offer some consolation.

"Not really."

Jellal focused on his hands and I could physically see his grip tighten. "It was my birthmark. The one around my eye."

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