004 | paraniod is the new sane

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𝐈 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐖 𝐌𝐘 head back, swallowing the headache medicine I would need to survive the following day. Last night hadn't been so forgiving to me, the endless nightmares seeking to consume me every time I merely closed my eyes. I knew very well there were dark circles under my eyes, but my pounding head was the one thing I could focus on at the moment.

Jellal sat at the small table a few feet away from me, a spoon hanging from his mouth. "Are you sure you can do that interview today? You look like you just got ran over by a train."

I wiped the corner of my mouth with the back of my hand, turning to him with a curt nod. "Yeah, I'll be fine." I tossed the water bottle into the nearby trash can, trying not to trip over my own feet as I went to finish my soggy cereal. "What do you have to do today?"

"I have to go to the mall to get my grandma a birthday present," he mumbled around a mouthful of food, tiny pieces flying from his mouth. I played with my food, thinking about how I would trade my day for his in a heartbeat.

I had never been good with interviews, and when I wasn't at my best, I could only imagine how bad it would be. All I wanted was an easy life, but no one ever gets what they want ― me especially. My father would even tell me when I was young "Life's a bitch." I didn't believe him back then, but I sure as hell do know.

Without another word to Jellal, I put my dishes away in the sink and walked to the door, keys in hand. I pulled on the collar of my button-down shirt as I made my way towards the elevator. I would have felt much more comfortable in my ratty sweatshirt, but since I've had to put felon on my resume, every little thing counts.

I passed by a lot of other people in the hall, and I encountered, even more, pouring out of the elevator. It was like the entire world had woken up at the same time and came to push me out of the way ― and it shouldn't have been like that in the morning. It sure felt like that now since I was pressed up against the wall. Just how many people could fit in that thing?

After being kicked and shoved ― mostly by little kids ― I was finally able to set foot in the elevator, pressing the lobby button. I leaned against the wall, running my fingers through my hair, making it messy. I stopped mid-action; hurriedly, I began to attempt at fixing my hair in the reflection of the elevator wall.

I shook my head slightly, muttering to myself, "God, I'm paranoid today."

The bing of the elevator made me turn to the doors as they opened. Yawning loudly, I shoved my hands in my jeans pockets, finding myself walking along the street within seconds. The sound of the cars flying past was all I could hear, the loud noise not helping with my headache in the slightest. I almost wanted to run out into the street and shout at the drivers, but my better judgment held me back.

The café Mirajane had told me about wasn't that far away from the apartment complex, so I wasn't really surprised when I found myself walking through the door in no time. The smell of cocoa beans filled my nose, the smell warm and inviting. There was something about the way the décor looked that felt like home ― cozy and filled with memories.

"Welcome to the Fairy Tail Café ― Natsu?"

The sound of my name made me turn in the direction of the voice, and I felt my exhaustion lift temporarily. Lucy stood there with a tray in her arms, staring at me like I had come back from the dead. It's felt like forever since I've seen her.

She smiled at me, rushing over to wrap her arms around my neck. The sudden embrace made me stumble backward. She backed away before I could do anything, smiling at me again. "It's been so long!"

I nodded. "Yeah, it has been. What have you been up to?"

"Nothing much," she shrugged, walking to the counter with me right behind her. "I got another job, as you see."

"Did you quit working at the pet store?"

She shook her head, her ponytail flinging from side to side. I sighed, sitting on the stool in front of her as she tapped the buttons of the register. "You're gonna work yourself to death one of these days, Lucy."

"Hey, now," she pointed a finger at me, her serious expression already falling. "Having three jobs to pay the rent will not kill me, mister. Besides, I have a lot more free time since I finished my first novel."

"Wait a ― you finished a novel?" my voice went higher than I would have liked, but she had been working on that damn thing throughout high school. I was shocked and excited for her all at the same time. Lucy's brightening cheeks and cheery smile told me she wasn't kidding. "That's incredible, Lucy!"

"Thanks, Natsu." She couldn't stop smiling now. "An editor's taking a look at it now, then it's on its way to being in book stores."

Before I could respond, the bell above the door rang out and the sound of feet pattered their way in. I felt a tug on my sleeve, causing me to look down at a little man not even four feet tall. Little tuffs of white hair were on the sides of his head, a Hawaiian shirt hanging onto his frail body.

"Are you Natsu Dragneel?" he asked. I nodded once in response, making his wrinkled face wrinkle even more so when he smiled. "I'm Makarov Dreyar. Follow me and we'll begin your interview."

Makarov pattered away without letting me say a word, leaving me to walk after the little man. Lucy gave me a thumbs up, wishing me good luck in the process. I smiled in return, trying to calm my newly rattled nerves as I closed the door behind me.

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