013 | it's a secret

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𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐁𝐄𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐃 excited to walk out that door at the end of the hour. Therapy wasn't something that I wanted to take part in because, in a way, it said that I was weak. I didn't want to depend on others to make my life the way I want. That was my task to complete ― by myself.

"One more thing, Natsu."

I harshly stopped in my tracks at the sound of Gildarts' voice. Turning, I looked up at the mountain of a man, almost having to take a step back to look him in the eye. He had his arms crossed, his eyes narrowed and menacing.

"Do you remember what we talked about?" his forehead creased in question. I rose an eyebrow. Did he seriously think I already forgot? We just talked about it, and yet here he is asking.

"No more potty language," I say. He clicked his tongue, winking down at me. I cringed inwardly, forcing my expression to stay light and happy. Without another word, Gildarts disappeared back into his office, the door softly clicking in place.

I hurried down the hall as fast as I could, keeping my head low and my eyes trained on my feet. I didn't even want to be seen in this place, but I figured that if Mirajane had dragged me in, people definitely saw. I still wanted to avoid attention, and my black apron over my clothes stood out like a sore thumb.

I had successfully made it to the safety of the elevator. The very second the doors closed, I leaned against the back wall. There was a weight in my back pocket where the piece of paper was tucked away. I hadn't really looked at what was on it. I guess I was scared to find what was typed on the surface in coherent words ― no matter how ridiculous the fear was.

My arms were crossed as I waited for the elevator to stop, but it seemed to barely be moving. I tapped my fingers against my arm. Even though I wanted nothing to do with Gildarts and his therapy sessions, intrigue was still dancing on the edges of my consciousness. I sighed, retrieving the piece of paper, lazily reading its contents.

What does your name mean to you?

I scoffed but continued to read the many other questions.

What's your favorite color?

What's your favorite animal?

What's your favorite book?

What's your favorite movie or TV show?

What's your favorite holiday?

What's your favorite song?

What's your favorite season?

As I proceeded to read, the questions just got even more cringe-worthy. I was about to put the paper away again when the next line caught my eye.

What are your friends to you?

How would you describe yourself?

What are your biggest fears?

What does the word "love" mean to you?

The ding of the elevator made me jump. The doors slid open, but I didn't move. I couldn't process anything other than the fact that those last few questions; I didn't know how to answer, and as I reviewed the previous ones, I came to the realization that I didn't know how to answer those, either. Had Lisanna's death affected me that much?

I was left with a blank stare, not able to process any information. It was only when the doors closed did I groan in frustration. I tried pressing the floor button, but I was already on my way up.

All I could do was sigh and lean against the wall again, waiting for my chance to get out of this place.


I opened my locker after putting in the code, placing my folded apron in the back before grabbing my phone and a skinny wallet. My phone immediately went into my back pocket. Opening my wallet, I found a few dollar bills still inside along with my paper Gildarts had given me. I was honestly hoping someone would have taken the damn thing.

I shut my locker with a resounding clunk, whirling around to almost collide with Lucy. We both jumped back in surprise; I nearly dropped my wallet because of it.

"Sorry, Natsu!" Lucy quickly apologized. I waved a hand dismissively, silently telling her it was fine. Her eyes then darted to the floor, and before I knew it, she was bending down to pick a piece of paper.

My eyes grew in size once I realized it was from my wallet. Thankfully, she handed it to me without another glance at it, to which I was grateful for. "Thanks," I say while stuffing the paper away.

Call it childish, but I didn't want anyone knowing about these therapy sessions. I had reluctantly told myself I would go every week sometime today. However, telling others that I was attending these sessions, it would have proven that I had wasted their time. For weeks they had tried to get me to do this, and now that I was, it just didn't sit right with telling anyone. I knew they would eventually find out about it, but it wasn't happening today, at least. 

"I actually wanted to talk to you about something," Lucy had opened her own locker, grabbing her phone from a small purse. I put away my wallet, listening as she spoke. "I was thinking about doing something for Romeo before his first game of the season. You know how his favorite movie is The Mighty Ducks, right?"

I nodded, watching as she clicked away at her phone. Her hair dangled in front of her eyes, and I was tempted to tuck it behind her ear. As if she had read my mind, she reached a hand up to gather her hair, tucking the strands away. "I've already asked most of our friends if they would be willing to come, but do you want to?" She glanced up at me, her eyes hopeful and shining.

"Why wouldn't I want to come?" It was a genuine question.

Lucy shrugged, now avoiding eye contact. "Well, I didn't know if you had plans or anything. You could have locked yourself in your room again, for all I know," she paused, her eyes wide. "Sorry. That kind of slipped out."

For the first time in a long while, I laughed. It wasn't forced and it wasn't strained; it was real. Lucy had that effect on people. She could make people laugh when they were depressed or down in the dumps. Laughing had become an abstract concept to me, so it was nice to hear it.

I calmed down, though, staring at Lucy with a small smile. "You can count on me being there."

Lucy's face practically lit up. She clasped her hands together happily. "That'll mean so much to Romeo! He looks up to you, you know."

My face went slack. I didn't know that, but Lucy was already heading out the break room door, waving at me with a hand. Before she left, though, she stopped to smile at me. "Thank you, Natsu."

I quirked an eyebrow. "For what?"

The corners of her mouth fell slightly, her eyes clouded with thought. I took a step towards her in concern, only for her face to brighten. "For not giving up."

And with that, she left.

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