017 | falling all over again

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𝐈 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐌𝐘 forehead against the cool countertop, my eyelids feeling heavy and my eyes stinging. I fumbled with my apron's strap, wanting more than anything to be at home, snoring. Last night hadn't been a very good one after me and Jellal left Lucy's apartment.

The second I had fallen asleep, my nightmare had decided to come back and haunt me ― literally. I kept dreaming of the same horrors, and every time I had woken up to sweat covering my body; I hadn't wanted Jellal to comfort me. Don't get me wrong; I appreciate all the things he's done for me, but there was someone else I wanted to see instead.

It was Lucy.

I laid my cheek against the counter, letting my eyes follow her lazily as she maneuvered around the tables and customers. She acted like she had been doing this for years. For all I know, she could have, considering I was in jail for about two. There had been very few times where I'm happy to be alive these days, and those few times always happen when I was with Lucy.

"Excuse me, but may I have a peppermint mocha?"

I lifted my head off the counter, nodding to the older woman with a tight smile. After I told her the price, I disappeared from the counter to make the said beverage, lost in thought the entire time. I wasn't an idiot; I knew what was happening between me and Lucy, but I couldn't have that.

If there was any one person I would protect with my life, it would be her. There was no way I could let her down and live with it. I was barely living after letting Lisanna down. If Lucy were to...

I shook my head vigorously. I wasn't going to think like that, not when I have to go see Gildarts after my shift. I wouldn't let him see me down in the dumps. Last time he had, he told me I couldn't swear anymore. I blew my bangs out of my face, frustrated. I know it was some time ago, but who tells someone else what they say and what they can't say?

I handed the mocha to the lady and before I knew it, someone's hand was in my hair. I glanced over at my left, spotting Lucy with her fingers in my hair. Just the sight of her made my chest tighten.

"I saw you blowing your bangs out of her face," she said, smiling. Oh God, that smile. "You look like you could use a haircut."

Timidly, I stepped away from her, hoping to calm down before my face started to turn red if it wasn't already. I rubbed the back of my head, trying to avoid her gaze. I know it was foolish, but it felt wrong to think of her like that. It makes her feel like a replacement for Lisanna, and she was anything but that. Besides, I can't let anyone close to me back in my life yet. I'm not even sure if I'll ever be able to.

"Natsu, are you feeling alright? You got really red all of a sudden."

I nearly face palmed; there goes trying to keep calm. Motion caught my attention out of the corner of my eye, relieving me of the awkward situation. That is until I saw just who walked up to the counter.

 "Gajeel. Gray." I crossed my arms, remembering the last time they were, they had made fun of me.

Gray held up a peace sign, grinning like a fool who's found his gold. "We come in peace, man. Just came to get some coffee."

I snorted once. "Last time you came to get coffee, you insulted my clothes. I don't have any control over it, you know?"

Gajeel and Gray exchanged an amused look, their cheeks puffing out as they held in their laughs. Lucy stood idly by for a few seconds before letting out a few giggles, ruffling my hair with her hand as she hurried away. She probably knew I was going to try to tickle her ― because I was. I watched her swaying ponytail, scowling at how she knew I hadn't changed personally.

There was no sound of anyone trying to keep in their laughs, which had me turning to look at the two idiots. They stared at me, rotating their gaze from me, to Lucy, to each other, and then all over again. I sighed, quirking an eyebrow. "Whatever's on your mind, you're wrong."

Gajeel leaned on the counter nonchalantly, a devilish glint to his eye. "You sure? There's nothing going on with you and bunny-girl?"

My jaw went lax before I huffed, looking away. If I wasn't sure before, my face was definitely red or pink. Whatever the color was, it was there and it was proof enough to make Gray slap the countertop. "There is? This is perfect!"

"No, it's not." I clenched my fists, trying to force down my embarrassment. "You know why? Because there's nothing going on between us."

"Oh, there isn't, is there?" Gray and Gajeel shared yet another look, only this time it was a knowing look. My eyebrows furrowed, but then it dawned on me. Romeo.

Gajeel confirmed this when he said, "Romeo told us you and Lucy looked quite close yesterday when he walked in. He said you were holding her face and looking at her like you wanted to ― "

"Are you gonna buy something or not?" I snapped, wanting so badly to punch both of them in the face. My small outburst had shocked them, but they didn't show it for long.

"We actually wanted to come by and do something with you after you're done working."

I almost fell from being hit hard with that statement. I couldn't go and do something with these two dummies, and Gildarts was to blame. I bit my lip, trying to find a way out of this. If I told them I had other plans, they would just tag along. And if I told them I just wanted to relax at the apartment, they would badger me until I agreed to let them come along. I pulled on my deflating spikes in frustration. I didn't feel like digging that key out from under the house, but no matter how I looked at the situation, there was no way out.

Gray and Gajeel just watched me with amused expressions. It made me want to punch the both of them in the face. Letting out a sigh, I retrieved a towel to wipe down the counter. "I actually have to do something after my shift. You can come if you want."

There goes keeping the therapy sessions private.

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