003 | my eyes hate me

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𝐈 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐎 my pillow, trying to press the cloud-like material into my ears to block out that dreadful noise. The music from the living room had my head pounding and sheering at the awful beat. It was worse than Gray's music ― and that was saying something.

I had been forced to become roommates about a week ago when trying to find a place to live. Even though Mirajane said these apartments were cheap, they weren't for someone who has no money and fresh out of jail. Considering my great luck, there was one person who needed someone to keep him company: Jellal Fernandez. The moment I first saw him, I knew he was going to be eccentric.

I wished I had been wrong.

From the yoga and constant workout videos to the video games and junk food he gorged on, he was as eccentric as they came. He was a good guy whenever I spoke to him, and he was even nice enough to pay for everything until I got a job. Maybe I would have gotten along with him if he wasn't so much like Gray and Levy combined.

It was scary.

A few more minutes had passed before I had finally had enough. Throwing my blankets aside, I hurried to grab one of the many shirts that scattered the floor. I threw open my bedroom door, instantly regretting it.

Standing smack-dab in the middle of the living room ― with his butt up in the air ― was Jellal doing something called Pi-Yo. I wanted to look away but was too horrified. Only when Jellal looked up at me from between his legs did I cover my face with my hands, muttering incoherent words.

"What's up, Natsu?" Jellal had switched into another awkward position. I couldn't even think straight, the only thing repeating itself in my head is What the hell is wrong with him?

I tried looking at the guy again but ended up slapping a hand over my eyes. "I can't talk to you when you're standing like that."

Shuffling sounded from outside of the protection of my hand, along with a few short grunts. The television and stereo were turned off, and before I could even ask if everything was back to normal, Jellal laughed. "It's safe, Natsu."

I didn't trust him; cautiously, I peeked an eye out from between my fingers, letting out a large sigh of relief. The one flaw that bugged me the most about this ― whatever it is ― was Jellal never telling me about it. It's only been a week and I've seen things someone can never un-see.

"Jellal, could you maybe turn down your music?" I stayed in the doorway of my bedroom ― in case I had to make a mad dash to safety. "I need to get some sleep for tomorrow. I have an interview for a job."

"Oh, yeah! I was going to take a shower and turn in, anyway," Jellal grinned, wiping a towel across his face.

I nodded, a long yawn erupting from me as I would finally get some actual sleep. It was comforting that I didn't have to suffer through his music and yoga. He did try to keep it down, but sometimes it never worked out. Nothing but sleep crossed my mind as I flopped back down on my bed, bunching up the pillow with my arms.

Within seconds, all my senses had become dark with the newfound silence.


I had no idea what time it was when I fell out of bed. For a moment, I just laid there, my heart and head thumping in sync. The blankets were tangled around my arms and legs, binding me in place. With the fabric covering my face, it was a little difficult to breathe. I still made no move to change that factor.

My eyes were aching from how wide they were stretched. Even with my eyelids glued open, I could still see the short white hair and piercing cerulean eyes. My throat felt dry with panic as the image was overtaken by a pool of dark red. What was happening to me? I never had these dreams ― nightmares ― before, so why are they just now torturing me?

The small space under the blankets had begun getting to me, causing me to thrash around like a fish out of water. I finally broke free from the shrinking space, breathing in deep gulps of air. My heavy breathing was the one thing I could hear ― other than the crickets. My gaze wandered to the dark window, little stars peeking out from behind the dark gray clouds. There was no moon tonight, making the night eerie and chilling.

White hair suddenly flew in an invisible breeze, stained with the color of blood. My somewhat evened breathing had staggered once more. My hand flew to my head, clutching at it as if it would stop the nightmare from replaying in my mind's she.

There she was. Smiling and spinning around in a circle like always. From the time I've known Lisanna, she would never fail to smile and laugh at her problems. She was fearless in that way-always taking risks and never afraid of the consequences. I will never forget how many people she inspired by being true to yourself. She was ― and will forever be ― an inspiration.

However, that inspiration was splattered with dark blood.

I held her in my arms during the nightmare ― something I wished I had done in reality. I had cried and cried and cried until there were no more tears left to cry. In the nightmare, I had whispered to her promises of living for her, for making sure Mirajane and Elfman were living, and to see to it that no one was grieving for her death. And in some way, that had been the real fright of the horrid dream.

I felt the sobs surface to the worst of my emotions as I tried to quiet my sniffs with my hands. I had let her down. Me, Natsu Dragneel, had let Lisanna down by not making any promises to her. I let her down by not taking risks and fearing the consequences. By not knowing if Mirajane and Elfman were living, I let her down.

Tears were hot against my feverish skin, the salty taste of them dripping onto my tongue. At that very moment, my sobs and cries were the only things to accompany me, but I couldn't care less.

I just didn't want to let anyone else down ever again.

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