015 | a blast from the past

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐘 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐘 had given me weighed in my pocket. It didn't matter how hard I tried to decline it, she wanted to help me that much. I dragged my feet back to the apartment, exhausted and ready to call it a day. The sun had started to set and it was then that it registered: I had basically spent the afternoon with her at that playground. A smile danced its way across my face.

For once in the past two years, my life had been drama-free. Lucy had distracted me from myself, and for that, I would always be grateful. It was nice to just talk about random things, laugh when it wasn't forced, and have fun without having to think about it. I had found peace when I was with Lucy, and just the thought made my smile grow.

A leaf fluttered to land in my hair, causing me to shake my head. Turning my attention upwards, I caught sight of the different colored leaves of the trees. I couldn't believe it was already Autumn. As if Mother Nature had read my mind, a chilling breeze whistled in the sunset, the traveling leaves catching the colors of the setting sun.

I breathed in a breath of the crisp air, having finally found peace. I knew all too well that it wouldn't last, but I didn't think about that right now. I wouldn't allow myself to think about the pain I'll be in later tonight, choosing to bask in this foreign feeling.

I took a glance at my watch, my eyes widening when I saw just how late it was. I ran back to the apartment, hoping with all my might Jellal wouldn't be pissed ― I mean, livid ― that I wasn't there. My serene state began to take a detour to panic when I remembered the knife sitting on the floor. If Jellal had been upset before, seeing that would more than likely make him blow a gasket.

I've been trying to make it less stressful on Jellal and that included trying to keep myself under control. For the most part, it's been working; but I didn't get my hopes high. I expected him to scream at me as he had before. I didn't want to see that side of him again if I'm telling the truth. I had never seen him act that way; he was always so cheery and positive, two traits I've loathed from the very beginning. But now, those two traits were all I wanted to see from him. Anger didn't suit him at all like his energetic disposition.

The elevator wouldn't be fast enough for my panicked state, so I ran up the stairs. I had to stop about halfway up the freaking things and lean against the wall. I couldn't remember the last time I had run this much, let alone exercised. I'm sure I've gained a few pounds since everything had happened.

Pushing that irrelevant fact aside, I continued to the fourth floor, hunching over once I had reached the door that led to the complex's hall. If I ever find the person who invented stairs, I'll kill 'em. I shoved my shoulder against the door, practically falling when it gave way. The hall was empty and quiet. However, the second I took a step forward was the moment I froze in place.

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