027 | a place you belong

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𝐌𝐘 𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐒 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 up to my chest, my shoulder freezing against the window. The parking lot down below looked empty without all of the vehicles of visitors, and only a selected few cars were parked closer to the front. Doctors and nurses most likely.

Just the thought of how empty the hospital was ― when it was still filled with patients ― had my chin sinking farther into my knees. After all, if it weren't for the full moon that stood strong in the night sky; this night would seem beautiful to anyone.

Anyone that wasn't stuck in a downward spiral.

"Spiral..." I whispered to myself, watching as my reflection stared back at me. "Spinning... black..."

An image formed in my mind's eye ― round and orange and worn down. Minutes ticked by before I recognized the old basketball I used to practice with, and the memory of how I always meant to give it to Romeo.

I didn't even feel it, but the faintest glint of a tear sparkled off the glass before disappearing under my jawline. It dropped down onto my hand; cold and still.

And that feeling spread throughout my entire body.

Slightly ― just barely audible ― the door to my room creaked open, a single thread of white light seeping in the dark abyss I wanted to stay in. So I settled with closing my eyes, leaning my head against the window to let more of the cold overtake my body.

"You shouldn't be sitting that close to a window when it's almost winter, kid."

Gildarts. The only person who was allowed permission to visit after hours. If I remember correctly, the reason he could was because of all the patients he had helped in getting their mental state in order. There was a time when I wish he was able to help me, but now... I'm not sure if there was anything anyone could do.

"I don't care," I whispered.

The door closed softly but I kept my eyes shut. I didn't want to see him; I didn't want to see the pity he felt for me. Because I didn't care anymore.

"Yes, you do," was his quiet reply.

I clenched my eyes shut tighter, refusing to give a damn about anything. Every time I cared, every time I loved; something always seemed to go wrong that I can't handle it anymore. My heart can only take so many hits before it just crumbles away into rubble.

I couldn't care about anything or anyone.

Never again.

"You don't understand, Gildarts," I said. "All of it ― it's all of my fault. So how can I care when everyone suffers because of how... how..."

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