020 | make amends

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𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐄𝐃 a small cloud in front of my nose every time I breathed; it was small, but it was there. I had my hands stuffed deep in my jacket's pocket to keep warm, focused on the sidewalk. I couldn't believe what I had done, and especially to Romeo, of all people.

I broke my promise, one that I had even planned on keeping. There was no excuse for forgetting, and just knowing that I had let someone down ― yet again ― infuriated me. I ground my teeth together as I just stopped, making someone bump into my back. They maneuvered around, sending me a glare.

In my anger, I glared right back at them to send them on their merry way. It had been a while since I've been this upset, but there was no helping it. I let down Romeo, who needed me at that game, who wanted me there to support him.

"Tell you what, you start believing in yourself more and I'll be at the first game of the season."

I had meant it at that moment with every fiber of my being, and I had no intention of going back on my word. I grumbled under my breath, using my foot to send a small rock into the side of a building. What kind of friend would forget something that important? Apparently, I'm the exact definition of that friend.

I continued to drag my feet against the cement. It wasn't until the aroma of flowers filled my nose did I stop. I could feel my eyes widening, my body moving on its own when I looked up. I was standing in front of Mirajane and Elfman's flower shop.

Oh, crap was the first thing that came to mind. Here I was, standing in front of their store and it was around the time when people began to get off work. Long story short, I would have another awkward encounter with them just like the other time. I pivoted on my foot within a second, only to stop when a voice sounded in my head.

"They must be hurting the same as you, if not more."

I ground my teeth together as I glanced over my shoulder. It was ironic that Gildarts' voice echoed inside my head at this precise moment. Groaning, I walked up to the door, cupping my hands against the window to peek inside. Past the curtain, the lights seemed to be on and there was shuffling coming from within.

A large part of me wanted there to be no one here, but alas, the world is out to make sure my life is anything but peaceful. I gulped, raising my closed fist. A pounding sounded in my head, so I tried to shake it off. It only brought a cold sweat and everything seemed to spin. My breath came out in short, staggered gasps as the pounding got even worse.

And before I knew it, everything had become dark.


I sprang up into a sitting position, trying to grab onto something to keep me steady. All I came up with was blankets. It took me a second too long to realize that I had been lying on a bed. Taking a few deep breaths, I glanced around to see pots upon pots of flowers.

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