018 | cat's out of the bag

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𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐍 his tracks, his neck craned back to take in the ten-story building, almost falling in the process. It was only when Gajeel stopped did I halt my footsteps. Clenching my eyes shut, I wish they would quit staring at the place like it was an alien spaceship. I just wanted to get this session done and over with, and they were not helping in the slightest.

"Isn't this a therapy building?" Gray asked, causing me to flinch. 

Reluctantly, I forced a smile on my face and spun around on my foot, nodding. "Yeah. Mirajane kind of forced me to attend therapy sessions every week."

"It's been a while since I've heard her name from your mouth, salamander," Gajeel noticed, titling his attention back to me, but I had turned around before he could see how ashamed I was.

I haven't even seen Mirajane or Elfman since the day I got out of jail. Not only was it extremely awkward, but Elfman looked as if he were out for blood. He had never really cared for me in the first place, and now that Lisanna was gone and never coming back, I couldn't even imagine how bloodthirsty he was nowadays.

Trying to keep my fear buried, I walked forward with my head down. "Y-Yeah. Let's just go, okay?"

There were two hurried pair of footfalls sounding behind me, following me to a nearby elevator. Once we had stepped inside and I had clicked the correct floor number, I leaned against the rail, taking a piece of paper from my wallet. It was the questions Gildarts had given to me during our very first session. I still hadn't answered any of the ridiculous questions, but there was one thing that was intriguing to me: why he had given these particular questions in the first place.

The elevator bell brought me out of my thoughts, which had me stuffing the paper back in my semi-full wallet. I had been trying to save as much as I could, and it proved to be working. I led the way to Gildarts office and raised my fist, only to whirl around to Gajeel and Gray, who both rolled their eyes. "Here we go," they said in unison.

"Stay quiet, don't move, and don't tell anyone that I'm taking these therapy sessions. Got it?" I watched as they crossed their hearts half-assed, expressions of boredom on their faces. They may be sarcastic about doing this, but I knew they wouldn't tell anyone. That was the only reason why they were here after all.

Before I could knock on the door, it flew open with Gildarts on the other side. I lowered my raised fist, ducking inside before anyone could say anything. However, I heard Gajeel swear under his breath. It was most likely caused by Gildarts size; he was bigger than Gajeel himself.

I plopped my butt on the couch as they exchanged pleasantries. I had only just sat down, but I already wanted out of here. The defecating smell of lavender didn't help.

"I didn't think Natsu would be bringing anyone to our little get-togethers."

I almost puked when Gildarts winked at me. Talk about awkward, weird, and just plain disgusting. I held up my palm, not even looking at the guy. "Stop. Just stop."

Three distinctive laughs resonated from three different areas of the office, the sound of the door closing softly. Sinking back into the plush cushions, I found Gildarts sitting in the chair next to me with Gajeel and Gray on another couch entirely. I hummed to myself. It really looks like they'll keep their mouths shut.

"Alright, Natsu." Gildarts clicked his pen, twirled it once, and readied himself to write on his clipboard. "How have you been?"

Reluctantly, I told him about the nightmare that had haunted me last night. I tried to give all the details―something Gildarts wanted me to do―but most of it had become blurry and distorted. I didn't really mind, if I was being completely honest with myself.

"Okay, do you have any siblings?"

I rolled my eyes; although, I don't know why I was expecting anything other than an odd question. These sessions had become predictable in just a few short weeks. He would always ask me how I was doing, I would tell him, and then to end the familiar cycle, he would ask me a personal question. And he would give me a look until I answered it, like he was doing now.

"I'm an only child." I might as well be, considering I was too young to know my big brother before he died. I guess it was better that way; it was less heartbreak I had to deal with, but I would sometimes find myself wondering what he was like. I'm sure he would have made a great big brother.

"Did Lisanna have any siblings?"

It was my turn to give Gildarts the stink eye. I didn't know where he was going with this, but wherever he was trying to steer me, it can't be good. Nevertheless, I nodded cautiously. "Yeah. Her big sister and big brother. Why?"

Gildarts smiled at me, scratching at his growing orange beard. "I want you to try to speak to them and actually have a conversation with the two. After all, they must be hurting the same as you, if not more."

I tried to protest, but Gildarts had already clicked his pen and stood up, walking briskly for the door. I jolted off the couch and ran towards him, blocking his path. And I had no intention of moving. "Are you insane?!"

Gildarts glanced down at his watch. "Oh, would you look at that? It's time to get my store from the lunch. If you'll excuse me."

He shouldered past me anyway, leaving me with a dumbfounded expression. In a sad attempt, I yelled at the closed door. "I think you meant 'it's time to get my lunch from the store', dumbass!"

I just stood there, lost in a daze and feeling slightly dizzy. Did I hear him right, or do my ears hate me? Face Mirajane and Elfman? Talk to them about Lisanna's death? How was I supposed to when I'm yelling at a door about stores and lunches? I would have collapsed right then and there if Gajeel and Gray weren't peeking at me over the couch.

I ran my fingers through my hair, tugging at the tips in a desperate attempt to pull an Elfman and man up. But at this point, nothing will work. I understand that I can't keep avoiding those two like the plague, though it was my external instinct. Before Lisanna had passed away, I had been the kind of guy that dealt with my problems right then and there. However, now I can't seem to run away fast enough.

My hands fell from my hair when Gajeel held up a sole finger. I glared in his direction. "What?"

"I don't want to seem like a jerk or anything ― "

Gray rose an eyebrow at him. "Like you already are?"

" ― but maybe you should just man the fuck up."

I could feel my eye twitch as Gray flat-out face palmed, only to turn and smack Gajeel upside the head. I didn't want to agree with Gajeel, but I felt the inner me doing just that: agreeing. Just the fact that I knew Gajeel was right made me groan. And then two words came stumbling from my mouth before I could even rethink it.

"You're right."

Long story short, Gray and Gajeel ended up choking on their spit.

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