Chapter 2: Underestimate

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        I place the helmet over my head as I sit myself down on the motorcycle. "Umm, I can't see anything." I mutter and I can feel Nightwing's body vibrate with laughter as he starts moving us and I yelp and wind my arms quickly around his middle.

        "Well, that is the point. I can't have you knowing where we are going."

        "So how am I supposed to escape from you then?"

        "You can't. And you won't need to; if you want out, you just have to ask. I'm breaking so many rules by even taking you there in the first place."

        "Why are you taking me wherever you are taking me?"

        "Because you need a good nights sleep."

        "Was that meant to be a burn?" I question and he laughs again.

        "No. I just meant that you looked dead on your feet."

        "I was almost dead on my feet." I whisper and Nightwing falls silent. "Thank you. By the way."

        "Yeah, no problem. I do it everyday." The motorcycle pulls to a stop and Nightwing parks the bike, kicking the kickstand down. I reach up to take the helmet off, but hands catch mine and stop me. "Not yet." I hear footsteps and I feel like I'm alone, but I also feel like I'm being watched. "Okay." The helmet is taken off of my head and I blink in the dim lights. I run my fingers through my wet hair and glance at the cavern I was in.

        "Is this the Batcave?" I ask and I glance over at Nightwing.

        He nods. "Yes, this is my home."

        "You don't have anywhere else to live?"

        "No. Now come on. I am going to show you where you can and cannot go or touch. That giant computer over there is of limits, as is all the weapons. Do NOT go up that staircase, unless I instruct you to. You can go anywhere else, unless Batman is down here. Then you have to hide."

        "Why do I have to hide?"

        "Because no one is supposed to know about this place. Come on. Wait." Nightwing stops us and he places a blindfold over my eyes, before he picks me up so I'm cradled in his arms.

        "I've known you for not even an hour and you are already carrying me." I mutter and he chuckles.

        "I can't have you staying down here tonight. You'll be staying upstairs. In secret." I hear something click open, and the footfall sounds different. Like we were on different ground. I hear a door open and close a little while later, and soon I'm placed on my feet and the blindfold is taken off of my eyes. I'm in a bedroom. "Okay, I'll grab you a long shirt to wear. You can shower in the bathroom, which is right there." Nightwing points to the door behind me, while he scrummages through the dresser, pulling out a longish shirt. "There are towels in there. I'll be back in ten minutes." Nightwing leaves the room after handing me the shirt. My shower takes five minutes, and when I hit the pillow I'm out like a light before Nightwing even comes in.

        I open my eyes in the morning, light starring in through the gigantic window. I get up and peek my head out of the door, searching the hall for life, but I don't see any. I step out into the hallway, noting how many doors were in this hall alone. I trail my fingers on the wall and stop as I reach a little stand with flowers on it, in a beautiful, intricate vase. Where was I?

        "I see that Mr. Grayson has had a 'friend' over then." I twirl around and my eyes come to stop on a good-looking old man who was in a tux, and carrying a silver platter.

        "Mr. Grayson?" I ask and the butler's face doesn't change.

        "Nightwing then." I nod slowly, trying to think of the name Grayson, and why it seemed so familiar then. "Do not fret. I believe Nightwing is getting ready." The butler nods at me, and I nod back, tugging the hem of the long t-shirt down further to cover more of my thighs. I walk past the butler and find my way to a giant staircase. I walked down it, my hand trailing down it, as I watched light glimmer off of the giant chandelier hanging above the staircase. 

        "You brought someone here?" I hear someone shout, and I sit down on the steps, hiding somewhat behind the banister.

        "I didn't have a choice!" That sounds like Nightwing... but who was the other man?

        "You did have a choice!"

        "Did you just want me to leave her in the rain, after a man just tried to molest her, and she almost took her life if I hadn't stopped her?!" Nightwing shouts and I curl my hands into fists.

        "Yes. I do not run a childcare."

        "She isn't a child! She can fight!"

        "I don't care if she's the long lost sister or daughter of Superman, she will not stay in this house."

        "Then she will stay in the Batcave, because I am not letting this girl out of my sight. I need to show her that life is worth living."

        "The only way she is staying in the Batcave, is if she was held in one of the cells." I stand up and walk down the last few steps. I stop in front of the gigantic front doors. I stop in front of them because a boy was in front of them. The door closes and the boy just stares at me, and I remember how much of my legs were showing. 

        "Dick! I found your supermodel girlfriend! I think you should keep her hidden, or else someone will try to take her from you!" The boy calls out and I try to figure out if that was a compliment or not. "Hello. I'm Wally. What's your name?"

        "Callie." I answer as the boy walks over to me.

        "You're to slow Dick! I already stole her!" Wally shouted to the house and he winds his arms around my waist. I stab my heel into his foot before elbowing him and wrapping my arm around his neck and flipping him over my back as I turn. He lands on the floor with a thud and I just stare down at him. "A supermodel with muscle. I like you." He groans as he sits up. 

        "I'm not a supermodel."

        "No, but you sure look as good as one."

        "Wally!" Nightwing walks in and I wish I could see who was under the mask, now that I have some budding suspicion. "Did you underestimate her or something?" Nightwing asks Wally as he surveys the scene.

        "Maybe just a little bit."

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