Chapter 27: Dazily Dreaming

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        By the time we had gotten to the precinct, it was already being overrun by plants and greenery. The vines had gotten into the systems and was messing with the lighting and security console. I got out of the other cop car that had to drive us there, running inside to see if Nightwing was still there. 

        I sighed when I couldn't find him. He left already? I checked my phone to see if he left any messages, but he hadn't. I leaned against a wall before inspecting a giant plant pod next to me. It was amazing how Poison Ivy was able to grow this many plants in this place in such a short amount of time. I was mildly surprised that she hadn't created a man-eating plant or one that releases deadly toxins into the vicinity. She could probably use a vine to pick the key off a dead police guard then. 

        "You shouldn't be near that." A voice murmurs from behind me and I turn around to see Nightwing behind me. "It's a man-eating pod." He says, glancing at it. Oh, so she had set up some traps, I was right. 

        "Thank you." I whisper before taking a step away from it, glancing to see if anyone was watching us. "I thought you left..." I mumble, slightly pouting. Nightwing shakes his head. 

        "Poison Ivy is being a handful. Hey, what was wrong while you were in the car? Were you injured?" 

        "My head was pounding. She had blown some dust into my face and... I just got a major headache. That's it. I didn't mean to worry you." 

        "You always worry me when I'm not near you." Nightwing whispers back. 

        "Have you heard from Dick?" Amy walks over, almost oblivious to Nightwing. 

        I nod. "Yeah, he said he was coming in soon."

        "Probably worried about you." Amy chuckles and I blush, shaking my head. 

        "I doubt it. He was probably more interested in having Poison Ivy locked up. I didn't really tell him about what happened to me."

        Amy just shakes her head at my comment, finally taking notice of Nightwing. "You seem to always be a step behind." She murmurs, her arms crossed over her chest. 

        "I keep the police force on their toes." Nightwing murmurs and I glance between the two of them. "I was trying to find someone."

        "Your newest partner, I'd say." Amy murmurs, watching him to see if she got any reaction. "I saw her the other night. The robbers we took in were delusional you talking about how there is now a female Nightwing. When did she show up?"

        "Rohrbach!" Someone shouted from across the precinct and Amy narrowed her eyes at Nightwing. 

        "I'm going to guess that you're going to keep an eye to make sure she doesn't escape." Nightwing states and Amy nods. 

        She then looks at me. "Get a hold of Dick for me. I have a feeling we have a lot on our hands. I'm sorry that this cuts into today." She pats my arm before walking off to the officer that had called her over. 

        Nightwing then grappled up to the second floor of the precinct, leaving me alone as I furrowed my brow. I shrugged and began to walk over to Dick's desk, rubbing at my temples. Those sudden memories attacking my mind had really just gotten to me. Poison Ivy knew me, and apparently I knew of her-

        No. It was more than that. That other memory, one of the first ones...

        She wanted me to move in with her. Pamela. That was her name. I was only 13 when I met Pamela. I had been at the store to buy some food for my uncle, who had been passed out probably. She had spotted me in the store, browsing the flowers, which looking so pretty and lively to me. They were so colorful. And they smelled so pretty, unlike the apartment, which had the stinky smell of old food and beer everywhere. That and how my uncle barely ever showered, so he was just a soured, sweating, couch potato that was always drinking more than he should have ever been.

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