Chapter 36: The Clown and the Penguin

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        "Grab them, boys!" Harley Quinn's voice rang through the air as she strolled in with a mob of her lackeys, some of them carrying guns, but she was carrying a giant gun of her own. "And if any of you get knocked out by them, I'm going to personally make sure that I kill you myself." She laughs before strolling over to the Batcomputer, where the immune old dude was communicating with Batman. Harley knocks him out and I don't have time to move before I'm tackled to the ground by the thugs. 

        "Someone doesn't know how to treat a lady!" I yell, elbowing one of them in the face, hearing their nose crack. "If you're not gonna treat me like a lady, then I won't act like one!" My knee goes up and smacks the babymaker of the next thug that dared try and restrain me. 

        Harley lets out a groan of disgust when she realized that we weren't restrained yet. "There's thirty of you and only two of them, how hard can this be?!" She shouts in her whiny voice. "Here, take this." She tosses something to one of the thugs, who glances at it as it explodes, it being a flash grenade. 

        I, however, had not noticed that she had handed him so the flash blinded me for a little bit as I felt Harley's hand wrap around my ankle, yanking me down the hallway. I tried to constantly blink, to get the blindness from my eyes. I try to keep kicking and squirming, making Harley struggle to keep me in her grasp. "Would you kindly let go of me?" I blindly reach out and manage to grab a metal pipe that was sticking out from the wall, yanking my ankle away from her. 

        "Wha-" Harley lets out a small gasp as she's yanked backwards also. 

        She still had one advantage over me though. Sight. 

        I scrambled to my feet, hitting a wall and quickly turning, racing down a certain, hoping not to run into anything. "Get back here, you little batsy wannabe."

        "No way, you clown wannabe!" I shout back, my vision clearing up and I can see a doorway ahead of me. 

        As soon as I got through the door, I threw it shut. There was no lock, so I had to quickly scramble away, sliding into an open vent. I didn't even bother trying to figure out why it was open, I just knew I wanted to get away from the pissed off Harley. 

        I heard the door slam open, her heavy boots clomping around. I activated my helmet, seeing her walk through the other door and away from my vent. "Nightglider, do you read me?" Robin's voice comes through the comms, startling me in the very silent vent. 

        "Yeah, yeah, I read you." I whisper back, watching Harley's figure move away. "How's your end going?"

        "Better, B-Man showed up to help." Robin sounded a little winded, probably from all of the fighting he endured. "Quinn let out all of the containees, so we have to go and get them back." Robin explained and I nodded to myself.

        "You get out of here and go help Nightwing with Penguin." Batman's voice cut in, halting me as I began to exit the vent. 

        "Don't we need her help here?" Robin interjected.

        "Nightwing wanted me here-"

        "Get out of here and go help him." 

A Few Minutes Later

        After requesting the comms unit frequency that Batman and Nightwing were using to communicate, I stayed quiet as I heard, "Good news, I found Penguin. He's right where we want him." Nightwing sounded winded also. Then I heard a hard slap. 

        "Cocky little bastard." I froze as I stood at the edge of a roof. 

        "Oh no." I whisper, hoping it was quiet enough for him not to hear me. 

        "You've been taking from me all night, Batman." Penguin must have a video connection going through to Batman's headset. "It's time I did a little taking of my own." 

        "Bats, I'm fine! Don't worry about me." Nightwing called out and I pulled up Nightwing's location, dashing across the roof as I found it. He was all the way over in Otisburg. There was no more communications on the line, so I began to fear that something happened.

In Otisburg

        It was a tall building that he was being held in, armed guards at the top of it. I quickly maneuvered into the elevator shaft without alerting the guards that I was there. After climbing down the elevator shaft and getting through the vents, I land on a fence like roof with a giant room beneath me. "How do you like this Nightwing? All us scumbags and you can't do anything about it!" Penguin's thug yells at Nightwing, who was tied up and being beaten on by all of the thugs below me. 

        "Yeah, I just bet it's eating you up, Mr. Hero!" A thug with a bat snickered.

        I peeked down and could see blood on Nightwing's face, some of it dripping onto his armor. "Don't expend too much energy forming words, you're going to need it later!" Nightwing's cocky mouth murmured as I crept across the metal, finding the opening. 

        They began to beat him up again, my body cringing as I heard him grunt in pain. "Hey, stop, the boss wants to finish this one off himself." One thug stated, halting the punching. Nightwing started to hunch over in his chair.

        "You hear that, Nightwing? We're gonna keep you alive for a little bit longer."

        "More stimulating conversation. Great." Nightwing grumbles and I needed to remember to smack him for his smart mouth. It's always getting him into more trouble. 

        "Aww, let me hit him, please?"

        "Hey, what did I just say?" 

        "I know, the boss wants him alive. It's just his face. It's so.... hittable!"

        "I'll show you hittable!" I yell down as I drop down onto the thug's shoulders. 

        He collapses down to the ground, probably being knocked out from the impact. I roll forward, cutting Nightwing free from his bonds. We then stand back to back. "You are not who I was expecting." He murmured and I shrugged.

        "Disappointed?" I question as we grab our weapons. 


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