Chapter 30: Taken In

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        The whole precinct was silent as Amy marched me into it, my hands cuffed behind my back. All eyes were on me; even the other criminals that had been brought in. Dick had my arm in his grasp, but he didn't grip it that hard, since it was probably already bruised from Amy. She had a really nasty tackle and punch, but I'm glad she didn't use the gun. I didn't need another bullet wound. "Take her down to the bottom cells. That way she can't escape." Amy ordered, and some of the criminals that I had captured for the police force actually cheered. I felt uneasy when I spotted Soames looking over at me. He didn't know it was me, but he was still a perverted old guy. "Make sure to pat her down for any other weapons, also." Amy patted Dick on the shoulder as we walked into an elevator, the door almost closing so that Dick could free me, but a foot caught in the door, halting it closing. It opened back up to reveal Soames himself standing there. 

        Dick cursed softly and I collapsed onto the ground from exhaustion, my body just aching and hurting. I pulled myself into a sitting position, glaring at the closing door that Soames walked through. "Don't mind if I join you, do you?" Soames asked Dick, who knew that whatever he said, Soames wasn't leaving. "So, this is the new vigilante that's been lurking the streets." I kept glaring at the door as he moved into my view, his crotch in my face. Soames jokingly elbowed Dick to get his attention, since he was silent also. "Hey, I wonder if this is how she gives Nightwing... you know..." He grabbed my head and started thrusting his hips towards my face. I glared up at him, and Dick had to stop himself from breaking character. I then yanked my head from his hands, and head-butted his crotch, making Soames double over onto the floor next to me. Dick helps me up carefully and gently, pulling me out of the elevator before making it send Soames back up. 

        "I hate him." I growl, leaning slightly into Dick because of my exhaustion. 

        "So do I." Dick's hand was splayed across my lower back, providing me with some comfort. "If I can't get you out, then Nightwing will."

        I frowned, him noticing it since I only had my mask on. "Why did this have to happen?" I mumble, eyeing that there wasn't any guards down here. Not even a lot of cameras. This place needed work.

        "I'll get you out." 

A Little While Later

        I didn't exactly know where my cell was located, since it seemed to be underground and I was right next to Poison Ivy's cell, which she had time to decorate. 

        I stayed confined to the corner, knees up to my chest as I watched the plants grow from nothing around Poison Ivy. Some guards came to check on me, probably to make sure I was still there, but Dick was the one that actually brought down some food for me to eat. He tried to have a brief conversation with me, but I dozed off during it, finally letting the exhaustion take over. 

        When I woke up, I seemed to be closer to Poison Ivy's cell, rather than curled up in my corner. I glanced around groggily, noticing the I wasn't on the floor either. I was on a makeshift bed of vines, which kept me off of the dirty floor. I glanced over at her- at Pamela- and saw that she was smiling at me, before she held a finger up to her lips, pointing at the door to the elevator. It was opening to reveal Amy walking through, Dick with her. I tuck my knees back up to my chest as I watch her watch me. 

        "So you two do know each other." Amy remarks, glancing down at the vine bed I was seated upon. 

        "I'm just more hospitable than some of the people here." Pamela stated back, her velvet voice flowing through the room, her plants moving to the sound of it. 

        "We don't like to provide comfort to criminals." Amy says back, walking over to my cell door, Dick keeping his head ducked. "We would transfer you to Gotham to be interrogated, but they would release you."

        "We save people. We bring in criminals. We stop the bad guys." I murmur, actually glaring at her. 

        Amy glanced over at Poison Ivy. "Yes, that has worked very well. We have not only Poison Ivy wrecking city property, but the Penguin is moving in and out of town, Blockbuster is on the rise, and now Nightwing is back with you."

        "What are you going to do with me then?" I whisper, cocking my head at her. 

        "For now? Nothing. I have to see if Blackgate will take you."

        I had never heard of that place, but the look on Dick's face when she said it made me fearful. "And if not?"

        "Then you're stuck here. Once we figure a way to get that helmet off and learn your identity also. And then you'll be interrogated to learn Nightwing's identity. We'll find a use for you." Amy backs up then with a sigh. "Through interrogation mostly. And Soames is our lead interrogator, I'm sorry to say."

        My heart plummeted through the floor as soon as she said it. "What..?" I whispered, choking slightly on the word. Dick's fists were clenched at his sides, his whole body tense. 

        "I'm not fond of him either." Amy murmurs. She then turns around, heading over to the elevator as Dick stays as still as a statue. "Let's go." Amy clarifies and Dick moves over to Amy, not glancing at my eyes that stung.

        As soon as they were gone I felt a hand touch mine, Pamela reaching through the bars to comfort me. "They'll never understand who's the good guys and who's the bad ones." Pamela whispered to me, gripping my hand. "I'll protect you, Callie."

        My blood ran cold. How did she know it was me? My mask hides most of my facial features-

        "Pheromones don't lie. That and my anti-toxins in you made it easy for me to figure out who you were. Don't worry, I won't tell. You're like a daughter to me." 

        I looked her in the eyes, frowning slightly. "I'm remembering.... I'm remembering it all now... but why did I forget it all?" I mumble, and she caresses my cheek softly, soothingly. 

        "I made you forget me. When I saw you as Batgirl I knew I couldn't have you helping the Batman against me. So I just made you forget who I was. Or that Poison Ivy even existed. When I saw that you were in Blüdhaven, I figured I might as well give you your memories back. Except that I might've laid too heavy on the powder." She patted my head.

        "I did have massive headaches afterward." I grumble, recalling them. "But I still work with Batman and them I think. Doesn't that make us enemies?"

        Pamela just shakes her head, her long red hair fluttering around her with the movement. "No. There's three things I could never have as enemies: Harley, plants, and you." There was suddenly shouting from within the precinct above us. "And speaking of Harley..." 

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