Chapter 16: Amusing, Isn't it?

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Third P.O.V:

        "I can shoot the car down." Batman says over the comms unit. 

        "Negative!" Nightwing shouts, trying to catch up to the getaway car Joker was in. It somehow just kept speeding up. "Nightglider is in that car!"

        "I'll just send out an electrical charge to short circuit the systems-"

        Nightwing interrupts him. "And shock everyone into unconsciousness in that car- maybe even a coma!"

        "She knew the risks! This is the Joker we are talking about!"

        "They are going to make the engine over heat! We can wait until then!"

        "I am not going to risk it. I will either short circuit it or run it off the road!"

        "She trusted you!"

        "And I trusted you to make the right decision! No matter the circumstances!" Batman's voice boomed on the ear piece and Nightwing shouted in frustration. 

        He turned his head, looking out of the helmet visor before spotting Batman clicking the controls, ready to fire his electric pulse. Nightwing revved the engine until he was going at his max speed, suddenly cutting in front of Batman's car, making him swerve to the right, away from Robin and into the underground pipes and sewers. Robin and Nightwing halted as Batman glided and grabbed Nightwing's arm, yanking him off of the motorcycle, the helmet coming off so that they looked at each other, mask to mask. Glaring. Robin could feel the tension and he watched as the getaway car got away, both Joker and Nightglider within it. 

Back at the Batcave

        As soon as the motorcycles and the Batmobile pulls into the Batcave, Nightwing screeches to a halt and hops off, throwing his helmet off. Batman hadn't wanted to make a scene in front of Gotham, especially not with the Joker on the loose. 

        "What did you do!" Bruce yelled, taking his helmet off to glare at Dick, who glared right back. "You let him get away!"

        "You were going to hurt her!"

        "But now she's with Joker! You know what he does! She would have been better off getting shocked!"

        "That wasn't your decision to make!"

        "And it wasn't yours!" Batman's voice echoed throughout the cavern, making Tim cringe back as he typed away on the Batcomputer. 

        "Oh, dear." Alfred murmurs as he heads over to the group. "Master Grayson, there is a call awaiting you upstairs." 

        "I'm not accepting anything at the moment." Dick growls. 

        "They say it's urgent."

        "I am urgently not accepting any calls." Dick turns and heads up the stairs, heading into the mansion. 

        "He needs to be detained. He is starting to act recklessly." Bruce informs and Alfred raises an eyebrow. 

        "I am guessing that is why Miss Callie is not present."

        "Joker has her, as well as the $20 million dollars he stole from Gotham City Bank."

        "Oh, dear."

        "I've got a lock on the tracking device within her suit, it's stationary at the-" Tim pauses. 

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