Chapter 7: Baby

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        I blink slowly, trying to gain my bearings as I try to figure out which room I'm in, but as I glance to the side, I figure it out pretty well. I watch Dick's face, which was so peaceful, and so close to mine. He probably didn't even realize that he was covering most of my body with his. 

        He moves and I hold my breath, not knowing what to do when his breath was against my neck, his face in the crook of my neck. He had his arm wrapped around my chest, his hand on the bed beside me. He also had a leg partway on me, his leg in between mine. My left arm was wedged awkwardly between our bodies, my right just laying lazily on the bed. "Dick?" I whisper and he shuffles a little bit, but in the opposite direction then what I supposed. He actually pulled me closer to him. Sure, I liked it, and I liked him, but he does not like me. I'm sure about that.

        But then Wally's words came into my head. I have a feeling Mr. Grayson is going to like you. What did he mean by that?

        His face moved by my neck, his nose trailing against it, and I bit my lip. I slowly rotated my body ever so carefully, not trying to wake him. I threw my right leg around his waist and my right arm went carefully around his chest. 

        A few seconds went by like this, and I was starting to get drowsy again. "I knew you'd come around." Dick murmured, and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

        "I- I don't know what you're talking about." I stutter, my cheeks getting warm.

        "Yeah, you do." Dick whispers before the room lapses into silent.

        "Can I ask you something?" I question softly and I feel him nod.


        "How many girls have you wooed in this bed?"

        I hear him sigh. "You're not the first."

        "I kind of figured."

        "You're the first to ask me. It's also the first time that I hugged them first. Usually they are all over me." I stiffen, trying not to show any emotion, like the pang of jealousy I felt. "Okay, probably should not have said that." I stayed silent and he sighed again, moving so that we were face to face, our bodies still intertwined. "Listen, I-"

        The door opened then, and I glanced over Dick's shoulder, paling as I saw Bruce Wayne standing there. I ducked down again, blushing. "Richard, you have duties." Bruce declares and Dick watches my face.

        "Go away. We're sleeping."


        "Sleeping." Dick interrupts and I bite my lip, waiting for a reaction from Bruce.

        I flinch as the door slams shut, but Dick just relaxes at its sound. "He's mad...." I whisper and he shrugs. 

        "He's always mad at something. Anyway-"

        "It's because I'm here, isn't it?" I interrupt.

        "No- well, maybe just a little bit. But it's because of you. He's not mad at you. He's just mad at me."

        "Because of me. You should've just left me."

        "No." I gaze at him and search his face, trying to find any wavering factors, but his gaze was true. "If I could go back, I would save you again. No matter what anyone else thought." 

        "Why do you say that? You barely even know me."

        "I've known you long enough. No one deserves to feel like that that is their only solution in life."

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