Chapter 4: Names

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        "Hello. You must be the girl Nightwing was talking about over the phone-" He starts to say, but I hold up a hand.

        "Really? Even when I have your mask on and no one has entered or left the house, you are still trying to keep up the secret identity?" I murmur, messing with my hair as I sit up straighter on his bed. "Why didn't you just tell me instead of faking a phone call that Wally had started when he thought I wasn't looking? Did you think I would tell everybody your secret identity or something?" He doesn't answer and I look down at my lap. "Don't worry. I don't have anyone to tell anyway. If I did wanna tell. But I don't. I wouldn't do that to somebody."

        "It's not my choice to keep it hidden." Nightwing murmurs, heading into the bathroom for a moment before exiting in clothes. I took off the mask and held it in my hands as he sat down on the bed also, in front of me. "Well, I guess it sort of is my choice. Usually when people get closer to heroes, and learn their identities and all, bad things start happening to them. Or worse, they want to join the cause. They want to help fight the villains and crooks running around in the streets. I don't want to see you getting hurt, since I need to show you that life is worth living, and that involves not getting you killed." 

        I rub my thumb over the hard plastic of the mask, remembering the night. "Can I ask you something, Mr. Grayson?"

        "Just call me Dick." He murmurs and I smile a little at it, before my face falls.

        "Am I just another damsel in distress? Someone you are trying to save before you send me on my way?" I glance up at him, but the curtains were blocking the little amount of light from outside, so I couldn't see his face. 

        He seemed to be thinking over the questions, tasting his words before he spit them out. "At first, yes. You just seemed like a girl that needed saving. But then I learned more about you. Parents gone, uncles abusive. No friends or other family. It wasn't much to go on, but I could see something worth fighting for in you."

        "Thanks, I guess." I whisper before laughing, surprising him.


        "You don't even know my name!" I laugh before falling onto my back, laughing as I stare at his ceiling. 

        He watches me for a few moments before laying down also, beside me as we just stare at his dark ceiling. "I guess I don't. You didn't wanna tell me."

        "I told Wally."

        "Ah, see that's not fair."

        "Why? He told me his."

        "I told you mine. Well, Nightwing's."

        "Exactly." I turn my head to look at him and I can actually see his features. His cheekbones, his nose, mouth... I gulp and look back up at the ceiling. "Callie." I mumble and it's his turn to look over at me.


        "My name. My name is Callie."

        He looks away. "Callie. Pretty name." He nods his approval and I laugh, pushing him slightly. "Didn't we have plans to go out?"

        My eyes widen. "What?!" I squeak and Dick laughs. 

        "Not like that. We need to get you some clothes. Whatever you want. Formal and informal."

        "Why would I need formal wear?" I question and he nods. 

        "I need a date to accompany me to galas and other stuff Bruce gets invited too."

        "And you want me to go with you? You just learned my name."

        He shrugs again. "I feel like I know you. I feel like I can trust you."

        "Huh. But formal wear costs a lot."

        "So, I am the adopted son of Bruce Wayne. Don't worry about the money. Just worry about if it looks good or not."

        I sit up and he follows suit, us glancing at each other. "Am I going to be staying here?"

        "Yes. Didn't I already explain that?" He questions and I nod, standing up now and stretching. "Well that's going to be a problem." Dick remarks and I glance back at him. 


        "You can't go out like that..." He stands up and heads to his dresser, grabbing out a pair of basketball shorts and a men's tank top, tossing it over to me. "I don't know what you want to do about... this..." He beckons towards his chest area and I bite my lip. 

        "I can just use my old one. The one from yesterday. Be right back." I hold up a finger before exiting the room, heading over to the room I had been in before, but I couldn't find the clothes I had left in the bathroom basket. I frown before exiting the room, running into a middle aged man who I soon found out to be Bruce Wayne. My eyes widen before I squeak and run down the hall, heading into Dick's room and slamming the door shut, leaning against it as I breathed hard. 

        Dick glanced over at me from his desk. "What's wrong?"

        That was when there was pounding on the door. I felt every vibration that hit the door until I ran away from it, hopping over the bed and laying on the floor, out of the line of sight of the door. "Richard!" A voice booms and I cringe. 

        "Oh no." Dick stands up and heads over to the door, opening it to reveal Bruce Wayne probably, I couldn't see. "What's up?"

        "Didn't I say that that girl could not stay here? She needs to leave before she figures anything out."

        "What girl?"

        "The girl that is running around in your shirt. I am not running a daycare."

        "You don't have to. She's a friend. Same as Wally."

        "She is not a friend. You met her last night."

        "I got to know her."

        "She leaves. Also, there is a gala tonight. Don't forget. And make sure the girl is gone."

        "Yeah, sure. Whatever." The door closes and I peek over the bed at him. 

        "I'm sorry." I whisper and Dick glances over at me with a smile on his face. 

        "You have nothing to be sorry about."

        "So, what are we going to do?"

        "Piss Bruce Wayne off."

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