Chapter 31: Coppers

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        I glanced over at her quickly, my heart speeding up. Why was Harley Quinn here? How did she even get here? "What's happening?" I ask, glancing back at the elevator as gunshots rang down from the floors above us. 

        "It seems that it's almost time for us to leave, of course." Poison Ivy murmured, standing up to stretch in her cell, her plants moving around her. 

        "To leave where? She's going to break us out? But... she's going to kill me." I mumble, running my hand through my hair, pushing it out of my face as I started to panic. If I left with them, how would I get back to Dick? What if they took me back to the other villains? I can't take them all on. 

        Poison Ivy brought me out of my daze as she waved her hand nonchalantly. "She isn't going to kill you, Callie." 

        "She doesn't know, does she? Who I am..." 

        "No. Only I do, of course. You have to keep a secret every now and then." She explained. 

        I took a deep breath, watching her through the bars. "I can't go with you." I whisper, hearing the elevator coming down. I back up, moving away from the metal bars that divided me and Poison Ivy. 

        "What do you mean you can't go with me? Of course you can." Poison Ivy stated. "They'll be cruel to you here." She turns her eyes to me, glancing at my feet as I shuffled back a little more. "Especially that perverted cop. He's disgusting excuse of a man." It made my skin crawl. She was right, he would be the one interrogating me, but it was either him or the worst villains I've known, and have yet to even know about. "Or are you thinking that your precious Nightwing will come to save you?" 

        I open my mouth to reply, but no sound escapes. I didn't know what to say. What did I expect? 

        "There's my favorite vegan!" A high, trill voice suddenly shouts and we both glance over, spotting the Harley Quinn moving over to us. 

        "Harley. Come to free me? Again." Poison Ivy purred with a small smirk on her face before some of the police officers dashed into the room being slowly overrun by plants. 

        "Come on! We've got the perp cornered!" One shouted, them dashing towards Harley. "Stay  where you are!" He shouted. 

        Harley seemed very mad. "You're gonna get it!" She shouted before dashing and sliding under a cop's legs, sweeping him onto his knees before swinging a bat against his head, knocking him out cold as all I could do was watch. I glanced at my cell door, looking at the hinges that seemed to be slightly old. Maybe with some force... "I hate coppers!" Harley shouted, making me look over to see that she already knocked them all out cold, and hopefully none of them were actually dead. 

        I backed up before running at the cell door, slamming my side against it. It didn't budge as much as I wanted it to, but it did give a little. I backed up again, ready to run at it again before I spotted the flash of electric blue and black pop into the room. "End of the line, Quinn." Nightwing murmured, not glancing at me as he kept his eyes on her, Harley twirling her bat around in her hand. 

        "Batnight!" Harley shouted, gripping the bat tightly as she got into a fighting stance. 

        "Nightwing!" Nightwing grumbled, holding his own weapons, which were sparking away with electricity from the tips. They ran at each other then, me ramming myself against the cell door before it finally broke from its hinges, my body slamming down onto the concrete ground, the wind knocked out of me. I crawled to my feet, before they were yanked out from under me, my body suddenly slamming against the steel bars, vines wrapping themselves tightly around my waist and my mouth, making me unable to speak. Poison Ivy had me tethered to the cell bars so that I couldn't help Nightwing. Awesome. 

        "Need some help?" Poison Ivy questions Harley, who seemed to already have given Nightwing a beating, him out of breath and hunched over. That bat was lethal with her swings. A giant vine slips out from the jumbled mess on the ceiling, grabbing Nightwing and tethering him up there with all of the vines. 

        "Nighty night." Harley murmurs before holding her finger to her ear, opening up Poison Ivy's cell door with a kick to the door. "OUR work? Sorry Butterpot. Last time I checked, squawking and talking ain't work." She waited a second before speaking again. "Ah, ah! Be nice or no Ivy." Harley headed over to Ivy, who was walking out of her cell. "Come on Pammy! Scarecrow wants a word with you." Harley explained, noticing how Ivy was looking back at me, me still writhing against the vines that were tight around me, making it harder and harder to breathe.

        Ivy cocked her head slightly, walking gracefully over to me as she moved some of my hair out of my face, my flinching at her touch. She laughed softly before moving away, not saying another word to me as the villains left. 

        I could see Nightwing struggling against the vines that tethered him to the ceiling, my trying to cry out, cause certainly somebody would show up, like Amy, they just had to eventually. 

        A minute of futile struggling was finally ceased as the elevator doors opened again, and my hopes plummeted into the ground as Soames stepped through, looking around and whistling softly before spotting me. He chuckled, striding over to me with no regard for the unconscious cops around the area. "Well, well, well. What do we have here? I didn't think it was Christmas just yet. And yet here you are, my present all wrapped up." He chuckled making my blood run cold. 

        "Hey!" Nightwing's voice shouted down at us as he noticed Soames. "Leave her alone!" 

        Soames glanced up at Nightwing, smirking evilly. "And how are you going to stop me? You seem to be too tied up to stop me." Soames moved, placing his hand on my thigh, since the vines only wrapped around my chest and calves. I felt like I was going to be sick as he moved his hand, making me writhe against the bindings, trying to get away from his nasty touch as he snickered, his hand reaching his destination. Nightwing was cursing at him, me yelling against the bindings. Soames turned to look at my face, looking at my face through my mask to see my eyes watering as I tried to scream, him smirking at me. "Be a good girl. I'll show Nightboy here how a man should treat a lady." 

        There was a crashing sound as the vines crashed down from the ceiling, Nightwing using a vine to swing on and kick Soames to the side, him crashing into the wall as Nightwing tore at the bindings around me, me collapsing against him with a sob, my arms winding their way around him. 

        Soames coughed slightly, looking up at us as he stumbled to a standing position, reaching up to touch the blood that was dripping down his forehead. "I'll just arrest you both. You for assaulting a police officer, and her..." He snickered once more. "Her I just want to have a very good and long time with." I pulled back from Nightwing and turned away, literally vomiting at the thoughts, at the memory of him touching me. It was all so disgusting. Footsteps sounded before I heard Soames unconscious body hit the floor also, Nightwing walking over to me, rubbing my back gently as I knelt on the ground. 

        "Let's go." Nightwing whispered, picking me up in his arms, me nodding.

A Few Minutes Later

        The shower helped slightly, and so did me brushing my teeth to make sure all of the bile was out of it. I spit out the mouthwash before straightening, spotting Dick in the doorway, watching me with a careful look. "I'm so-"

        "Don't apologize." I cut him off, turning around to face him, wrapping my arms around his chest, which was bare. "It's not your fault."

        "A lot of things are my fault."

        "And this is not one of them." I get up onto my tiptoes to peck his lips, but as I pull back, he leans down and captures them again with his.

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