Chapter 37: Who Saves Who?

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        As the battle progressed for a couple minutes, more and more thugs coming to join in on the fight, including the armed ones from the rooftop that I just left up there, I could tell that Nightwing was not in the best condition to be fighting since the thugs had certainly done a number on him. 

        One gigantic buffed up thug actually lifted him off of the ground, getting ready to throw him down, but I slid on the ground under them, Nightwing falling to the ground as I kicked the man's knees backwards, hearing a loud snap as the thug tumbled down, screaming in pain for his broken leg. I yanked Nightwing up, before getting smacked in the back with an electric pipe like taser that the thugs had made. "Ready for a shock?" The thug grinned a very ugly grin. 

        "Shouldn't you have asked that before you hit me?" I grumble, shaking the electricity away. I then turn around and kick him in the head, grabbing his taser and holding it right over his babymaker. "What if I had said no?" I inch it closer. "Now tell me, are you ready for a shock?" The thug was violently shaking his head back and forth. "See, so I'll respect those wishes." I get down on the ground before just knocking him out against the floor. 

        I then got up, glancing around to see that Nightwing had already taken care of the others, him walking slowly to a giant vault at the back of the room. "You good?" He called back to me, grabbing something from his belt as he entered the vault. 

        "Hey, apparently no one knows how to treat a lady except for you." I comment, fixing my armor. 

        Nightwing laughs, beginning to come out of the vault before shutting it, turning the giant wheel. "I know how to treat my lady." 

        A cane snaps against the back of my legs and I fall to my knees as I feel a gun's barrel pressed against my neck. "Well, isn't this cozy?" Penguin's scratchy voice laughed behind my head, his fat arm wrapping around my neck, holding me still as I tried to wriggle free. "Now I have both of the little wretches that were trying to spoil my operations back in Bludhaven." Nightwing began to take a step closer to the Penguin and I, halting as Penguin pressed the gun even harder to my head. Probably shouldn't have taken off the helmet part of my mask. "Come any closer and you get to see the contents of her head!" Penguin yells in my ear and I could smell fish on his breath, making me almost pass out from just the smell. 

        Nightwing raised his hands up a little in the air. "Hey, Oz. You remember the Flying Graysons?"

        "Flying who? What you on about?"

        "Flying Graysons, the greatest acrobats in the world."

        Penguin's grip was getting very tight around my neck as Nightwing kept edging him on. "Shut up, ya fairy!"

        "Whenever they preformed in that circus there was magic in the air." He quickly threw up his escrima stick in the air, distracting Penguin enough so that he loosened his grip and I could flip him over my shoulder towards Nightwing, who pushed him to the ground. 

        "No! Stop!" Penguin pleaded as he saw the stick coming straight for his head. Nightwing caught it however, right as it was barely grazing Penguin's nose. Nightwing then knocked the Penguin out however, glancing over at me as I just sat back on the ground. 

        "I wonder who has to save the other more, me or you?" I laugh a little bit and he pauses to think, strolling over to me. 

        "Hmm, I'm not quite sure. I don't think this time counts though. We saved each other here." Nightwing offers out his hand for me to take, pulling me up gently. He then puts his hand under my chin, moving back the armored collar of my armor. I pull back a little when his fingers accidentally tickle my neck. "Oh nuh uh, get back here, missy." He quickly grabs my wrist and tugs me back, wrapping one of his arms around my waist to keep me close as he inspected my neck to see if there was any bruising, however, he had to get really close to see if there was any bruising, so his hot breath began to tickle my neck too, causing me to giggle, pulling away even more. "I'll give you a punishment if you keep wiggling around, Cal." He whispered under his breath, making me hold my breath as I tried not to squirm and squeal under his inspection. 

        "It tickles, though." I whisper back, wiggling my fingers instead of my whole body. 

        "Too bad." He then leans forward and kisses my exposed neck, before fixing my armor, smirking since I had let out a little moan because of his lips. "You will have some small bruising, but nothing serious."

        "You should probably let Batman know that you're okay." I mumble, looking around before spotting a thug quickly close his eyes as he saw me spot him. 

        Nightwing nods before beginning to talk into his headset, my feet walking me over to the conscious thug. I kneel down next to him, being very quiet as I just stay there. After a minute his eyes open quickly to look around, and he scrambles away when he realizes that I was standing right there. "Ahhhh!" He yells out, backing into another thug's unconscious body. "Stay away! I won't tell them anything, I promise!" 

        "What would you have told them? What did you see?" I whisper, inching closer to him. 

        "Nothing! I saw nothing!" I was now standing over the man, and he was laying down, trying to create distance between us, but then I knelt down again, putting a knee on his stomach. "I swear I saw nothing!" 

        "Hmmmm, I don't think I believe you." I boop his nose with my finger before punching his face, knocking him out. 

        "What are you doing over there?" Nightwing calls over, and I turn around, standing up from my kneeling position on the man. 

        "He was awake, and he probably saw you kiss my neck, Mister Nightwing." I shake my finger at him in disapproval. 

        Nightwing smirks at me. "I heard the moan, Miss Nightglider, don't act like you didn't like that small kiss." 

        "Oh shut up." I blush. 

        "Batman is on his way to pick up Penguin and take him to Arkham, he also has Harley with him." Nightwing explains. 

        I lean against him then. "Let's go and find something to eat then."

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