Chapter 28: Delivery

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Dick's P.O.V:

        A man was screaming as I came upon the last location Tarantula was spotted in. Sure enough, there she was, about to cut off the man's arm. "Flores!" I shout, my voice modifier almost breaking from the amount of anger in my voice. 

        She glances up at me as I descend into the alley. Her ponytail whipped around her head as she did so, the man still whimpering beneath her blade. "Oh! You've changed your mind..." She walked over, swaying her hips, "about my other," She ran her hand down my arm as she smirked, her eyes smiling beneath her mask, "proposal?" She questioned, ready to touch my face, if I hadn't caught her wrist in my hand and pushed her back. 

        "I told you to leave Blüdhaven, Flores." I growled, moving over to the gang member she was trying to maim. 

        Catalina sighed, leaning against the building's exterior. "You know that's not going to happen." I could feel her eyes looking me up and down. "I couldn't just leave you."

        "I am working on the police force. I am trying to stop the corruption in Blüdhaven. But this-" I gesture towards the man, "the police can handle crooks like this."

        "I told you. I grew up here. I know exactly how useless the police force is." Catalina countered. I sighed and grabbed the man's arm, hauling him to his feet as I produce some handcuffs, chaining him to the fence. 

        Arms found their way around my torso, Catalina hugging herself to me, pressing her body against my back. "Mi amor...." She whispered before I pulled away. 

        "No." I state clearly. "Do not call me that. Turn yourself in or I will make you. Last warning." I growl, watching her as she tenses, moving away. She began running, climbing up the building's wall before disappearing from my sight.

        I shivered then, feeling violated when she had her arms around me. Years had passed, and now I had Cal. My mind flashed back to when we were in the closet, with her lips being so soft and cherry-flavored. And with her running her hands down my chest. And then the faces she made on our first night here, and the sounds that she made.

        The gang member snapped me out of my daydreaming as he rattled the fence, trying to pull his hand free of the cuff. He laughed nervously. "Oh ugh, hey. Didn't mean to interrupt. Go ahead, I'm not doing anything."

Callie's P.O.V:

        The closet door shut yet again as I scoured the apartment for candles. "Candles.... oh, candles. Come out, come out wherever you are." I sang softly, growling as the cupboards didn't have any either. 

        I plopped myself down on the bed, using the lamp to look at the takeout menus I had found in the kitchen. There wasn't any food, or I would've tried to cook something. I didn't dare go outside because of what happened last time I wandered alone and lost. That and I didn't know where the grocery store was. None of the restaurants seemed to be right for an anniversary.

        I ducked down to grab a menu that had slid to the floor, hearing a thud as I did so. I whirled around, toppling off of the bed as I looked at the wall, a sword sticking out of it.

        I glance behind me, seeing a woman in an orangish outfit standing in the bedroom, her eyes covered by a mask. "Who are you?" I ask, fumbling around as I watched her hands, a dagger in one of them. 

        "Mi amor didn't react the same... I was hoping to surprise him, but I was surprised instead." The woman murmured, her hand tightening on the dagger. 

        I didn't give her time to react as I rolled onto the bed, grabbing the sword as I fell onto the other side, giving myself some distance between me and her. 

        "You don't need to run. And don't think you're special either. I've caused him to break up with others before. If you knew what he and I had, you'd break up with him. He's a very charming man. Strong and sexy. He's what every girl wants. Maybe some guys, too." Her words were getting to me as I hide against the bed, my heart beating fast. But she had said that he didn't act the same, so nothing happened, right? 

        The room was too silent. I didn't want to move in case she wanted some target practice. But what if she wasn't there? I held my breath before peeking above the bed, not spotting the woman there anymore. I sighed, standing up as I rubbed my forehead. Who in the world was that? Maybe Tarantula? There was a spider symbol on her chest. But why would she know where this apartment was? I grab the pamphlets and move into the living room, sitting down on the couch as I wait, not knowing what to think. 

        But what if she came back? 

        I glanced towards the bedroom, wondering if I should put on my suit, just in case. I had to tell Dick, of course, that his ex came back. Was she his ex?


        I jumped at the sound of his voice suddenly. The room had been so quiet. I had just been lost in my thoughts. 

        "Hey, you okay?" Dick whispers, noticing my silence as he walked into the bedroom to change. I fiddled with my fingers, trying to figure out what to say. 

        "You had a guest." I finally say after another minute of silence. "She came looking for you."

        "Who?" His voice was tense as he walked into the living room, pulling on a muscle shirt to cover up his chest.

        I frowned, thinking about the woman. "Ummm." I feel Dick's presence behind me, him soon leaning down to wrap his arms around me. He nuzzled into my neck, kissing my shoulder. "It was someone that umm... called you her love." I whispered, feeling his arms tighten around my torso. 

        "What did she do to you?" He almost growled, which surprised me. 

        I glanced down at his hands, running my fingers along them. "At first she threw a sword at me, but then she just kept talking before leaving." I mumbled, intertwining our hands together as he sighed. 

        He was very silent as we just sat there, me enjoying his arms around me. "That was Tarantula. Or Flores. I had just met with her to stop her from killing someone."

        "Ah, I was wondering cause of her outfit." I sit up, pulling away so that I can turn and kneel on the couch, facing him. "Hey, it's fine." I state. "How about we order some food and finally celebrate?" I suggest, standing up so that I was taller than him, making him look up at me. My arms found their way around his neck and his hands gripped my hips. 

        He then smirks up at me. "Good, because I'm starving." 

        I grin. "Okay, so what are you hungry for?" 

        He takes a few seconds to answer, but he had a firm grip on me before tossing me down onto the couch, laying on top of me. "You." 

Later~ Third P.O.V:

        The delivery boy glanced down at the listed address to check the apartment number, before he reached over to knock on the door, wishing he could get off soon. It took a few seconds before the door opened quickly and shut just as fast, the food gone from his hands and the money in it. The one thing that bugged him was that there was a lot of giggling coming from the other side of the door.

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