Chapter 21: The Corrupted Cop Soames

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        "So, how long have you and Grayson been together?" Dick's partner at the police department asked me. 

        "Um.... Probably almost a year... I think." I whisper, brushing my hair out of my face. 

        "Well, Callie, he's a keeper." She says to me and I furrow my brow slightly.

        "You know my name?" I mumble, confused. I had never said my name, and I just met her today. She hadn't been at the station yesterday when Dick first showed me around. 

        "Ah..." She laughs slightly. "Word travels fast around here. Hello, my name is Amy Rohrbach."

        I shake her outstretched hand. "Callie." 

        "I know. Dick likes to talk about you, you know." I blush at her comment, trying to see if he was coming. He had gone out to get some food a little bit ago, and I didn't know when he'd be back. 

        "Can I ask you something? Since you've known Dick longer than I have." I whisper, lowering my voice in case anybody was eavesdropping. 

        Amy looked confused. "Okay....?" 

        "What does he like to do? On his free time?" 

        My questions surprise her. She starts laughing as she sits back in her seat, holding her stomach. I glance around, worried I said something weird. "That's it? I thought you were going to ask if he's killed anyone, or done anything bad." She laughs and I laugh nervously, slightly scared of her. 

        'No, I probably know more about that than you.' I think to myself.

        "He works a lot, so he usually just heads home to crash. Besides that there isn't much, well, that I know of." 

        So she didn't know about his vigilante counterpoint. Or, she did and she wasn't telling me in fear of keeping his identity secret. Except now there was another vigilante in the city, and I was sitting right in front her. 

        I laughed softly to myself at the thought. "What's this?" Another police officer came over, and I hadn't met him either. "Who's this?" I glanced up at him, and he grabbed my hand, pulling me out of Dick's office chair. "Is this a new recruit? I could use a new partner since Charlie quit." The man murmurs, and I was bugged by his arm around my waist. I glanced around, assessing everything in case he tried anything.

        He did. 

        He got his face too close, and somehow he gripped my hip beneath my black shirt that had Dick's Nightwing symbol upon it, which he had given to me since I didn't bring a lot of clothes. He had gotten it from a convenient store in town.

        I suddenly grasped his wrist, twisting and turning, making the man have his arm painfully behind his back before I kicked his knee out, making him fall to his knees. 

        He was good.

        He swiveled and got his gun out, aiming it at my head. "I'll show you what happens when you mess with a police officer-" 

        I clicked the gun I had pulled from Amy's holster, having spotted it and a gun strapped beneath Dick's desk. 

        "Officer Rohrbach, arrest this woman now for assaulting an officer." The male officer murmurs, still aiming the gun at my head. I'd have to be careful with him. "Officer Rohrbach." The male officer yelled, impatient now. 

        "Sir, I can't arrest her if she wasn't the one assaulting." Amy murmurs and the whole office goes quite. 

        "What did you say, officer?" The man turns to look at her. He must be higher up then. Corruption. That's why Dick had joined the police force, because of the corruption.

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