Chapter 3: Observant

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        "So, when did you get your new girlfriend?" Wally questions as Nightwing leads us into the living room, me feeling very uncomfortable now in my makeshift pajamas. Especially when I was sitting down on luxury couches surrounded by top dollar furnishings. 

        "She's not my girlfriend, Wally. She's a friend that just slept over." Nightwing explains and Wally just nods. I was seated on a love seat and Nightwing sat down on the arm of it, running his hand through his hair. He was wearing normal attire, like pajamas, but he still had on his mask, which was bugging me. 

        "Are you sure? So, is she single?" Wally questions and I frown at the floor.

        "I don't know." Nightwing simply states.

        "Can we not discuss my love life? I barely know you people." I grumble, tucking my knees in and wrapping my arms around them. "So, I see that the Batman is really not keen on me staying here..."

        "No. It's fine." Nightwing mutters. "He'll come around." 

        "I don't want to cause any trouble-" I begin to stand up, but Nightwing grabs my wrist. At first, the grip was hard, but soon it softened when he realized he had grabbed me. 

        "Sorry. But seriously, Batman will come around to you being here."

        "And what about Dick? I don't think he'll approve of me being here." I murmur, hopping to gain some evidence on who Nightwing really was. 

        "Once I talk to him, I think I can persuade him to let you stay. Who knows; you might even like the guy."

        "I don't think I wanna get into the whole dating thing." I grumble, sitting back down on the love seat as he releases my wrist. 

        "You can fight though." Wally murmurs and Nightwing looks over at him sharply. "You were thinking the same thing, I know you were." 

        "I'm not gonna force her to fight-"

        "What do you mean?" I question and they now turn their gazes on me. "Fight? I can fight."

        "It doesn't matter. So, as far as I know, you were eavesdropping on mine and the Batman's conversation, were you not?" Nightwing questions me and I stiffen, blood rushing to my face. 

        "I might have been."

        "So you heard that I need to show you that life is worth living." 

        "Yeah, that came up."

        "Whoa whoa whoa. Am I missing something?" Wally sat up from where he was laying down on another couch. "What happened?"

        "Nothing happened." I quickly state before looking at Nightwing. "So, how are you going to show me that life is worth living? Take me out for ice cream?"

        Nightwing just shrugs. "We will do whatever you want to do. If you want ice cream, I'll buy it, no matter how much. New clothes? Got it. Trips to anywhere? Just say where. I want to make it so that you never even think about doing what you were planning."

        I stay silent for a moment, and I can feel how much Wally is confused by all of this talk, but I just didn't want to bring it up. I wanted to forget it. Forget it all. Except for meeting Nightwing. I didn't want to forget that part. I glance over at him, eyeing his raven-black hair. "Mr. Grayson?" I whisper and I can see his jaw clench in the slightest.

        "What about Mr. Grayson?" Nightwing asks, not looking at me. 

        "The man that I saw earlier, a butler, said something about a Mr. Grayson."

        "He is another resident here. And that was Alfred, the butler."

        "Mr. Grayson... Is he affiliated with Dick?" I question and Nightwing nods. 

        "That is his name."

        "Dick Grayson..." I whisper, thinking. The name sounded very familiar. Then it finally clicked. "Richard Grayson. The boy that Bruce Wayne adopted. And if he lives here... then this must be Wayne Manor."

        "Observant. Both me and Wally are friends with Mr. Grayson. When I am in town protecting, he lets me crash here."

        "He's nice. So, when would I get to meet him? Mr. Grayson?"

        "When he is back in town." Wally murmurs, an exchange of glances between both him and Nightwing.  

        "He's out right now for some college stuff." Nightwing murmurs. "Didn't say when he'd be back."

        "Awe, that's a shame. Always wanted to meet the fellow." I sigh, acting all dreamy about him. "That would be something to help get me in the mood for life."

        "I'll see what I can do. For now, we are going to go shopping." Nightwing murmurs and I raise an eyebrow.

        "What are you gonna wear? Your costume?"

        "I was thinking modern clothes, but if you insist."

        "Me, go shopping with the Nightwing? Well, I know I'll get the best prices then." I give him a small smile. "Don't worry. I won't need anything expensive-" 

        A telephone ringing cuts me off. I glance around before finding the phone to be Nightwing's. He heads out of the room before returning a minute later. "Good news. Mr. Grayson is on his way back now. I have informed him about you and he would be glad to take you shopping. I have to be heading off though. Saving Gotham isn't just restricted to the night. Wally, keep her company, will you? Until Mr. Grayson arrives."

        "Sure thing, Nightwing." Wally smirks before winking at me. My eyes widen and I scoot back in the chair. 

        "I don't think I need supervision." I quickly say and Nightwing just shakes his head. 

        "Don't think of it as supervision. Think of it as just company."

        "I don't want company." I state and Nightwing smiles as Wally just sighs, laying back down on the couch. "Can't we just go shopping? I don't know Mr. Grayson that well and I'm more comfortable around you..." 

        "Don't worry. He is a pleasant guy after a while."

        "A while?" 

        "Don't sweat it. Once you meet him it'll be like you already knew him." Wally cuts in.

        "What do you mean?"

        "Nothing. I have to go though. Mr. Grayson should be here shortly. I leave Wally in your capable hands." And with that, Nightwing walks off, going upstairs. I glance at Wally to see him waggle his eyebrows at me and I grimace.

        "Don't worry, I'm not going to try anything. I have a feeling that Mr. Grayson is going to like you."

        "How can you be so sure?"

        "Just this feeling." Wally closes his eyes and in a few minutes he's out like a light. I sigh and stand up, heading up the stairs and creeping around until I found a door half open. I push it open carefully and peer through. I hear water running in the adjoining bathroom. I smirk before heading over to the bed, picking up the mask that Nightwing usually wears. I put it on and look around, giggling to myself as I feel stronger, even though it was just my ego. I then just sit on the bed, waiting for the bathroom door to open.

        The door does finally open and a figure walks out with a towel around his waist, another over his head as he drys his hair. He stops abruptly as he sees me on his bed and I cock my head at him. "Hello, Mr. Grayson."

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