Chapter 23: Trick of the Light

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Dick's P.O.V:

        I didn't want to raise any suspicion, but I knew I had to warn Cal about Amy's request. I couldn't let her get caught. I slid my phone back in my pocket as Cal moved away on the rooftop, out of sight. "Who is that?" A police officer asked me and I shrugged. 

        "No idea." I murmured, not wanting to stay on the topic. "Okay, what do we have here?" I asked Amy, who turned away from the roof and back towards the jewelry store. 

        "It was an armed robbery, all six armed. There were three in the vault in the back that had been robbing it before being knocked out. The other three were grabbing the jewelry before being knocked out. There are bullets littered in the walls and floor. Careful of the glass on the floor." Amy requested as they entered the scene, the robbers having already been taken into custody, or to the hospital. 

        My eyes scanned the area. Broken display cases, bullets, the tilted chandelier. Cal did know how to make a scene. That was when I saw a few drops of blood on the ground behind the biggest display case. "Was anybody shot?" I inquired anybody around me. 

        "No." Amy said back from across the shop. "The only injuries were of slight concussions and such. Why?"

        I could hear her walking over. "Just wondering. With all the bullets flying it would've been weird to not have someone being shot." I cursed at my thoughts before grabbing a piece of glass and slicing my fingers, making my blood drop onto the floor. I curse and Amy comes over. 

        "What happened?" She questioned, eyes wide. 

        "I thought I saw something under the glass. I forgot I wasn't wearing my gloves." I lied and she bought it, probably thinking I would never tamper with evidence. Now I just had to get home and check on Cal and why she was bleeding. 

At the Apartment

        I unlocked the door before entering, locking it back up. It shouldn't have been locked, with Cal being home, but maybe she just felt safer with it. "Cal, why didn't you tell me you were bleeding?" I asked into the dark room. It was oddly cold and chilling. The bedroom door was closed, light coming from underneath it, illuminating part of the hall. I walked carefully, hearing the television going, and some voices on it. 

        My hand gripped the doorknob. Why was I so nervous? This was just Cal. She might have fallen asleep even. A thought suddenly crossed my mind. Tomorrow would be the one-year anniversary. One year since I was able to call her mine. One year since I brought her into this life. One year since I brought her into this dangerous life-style. I froze then. What had I done to her? I had saved her life and then turned towards a life that threatens her.

        I shake my head, as if rattling the dangerous thoughts right out of my head. I had to plan something special for her. But where was she?

        I turn the knob slowly, the door clicking open silently. I glance around to spot the television showing a movie that I hadn't seen in awhile. "The Corpse Bride?" I whisper, my mind wandering to the desk drawer with the false back. "Odd choice. With the dead bride... and all..." I froze. 

        My eyes flickered over to the open window. The wind was blowing the curtains inside. There was some blood on floor, leading to the window. What if this was planned? What if something had happened to her? 

        I began to grab my gear and put it back on, ready to head out. The movie was still playing in the background, showcasing the dead bride. I searched through the rumpled sheets on the bed, finding Cal's phone, there was some blood on it. 

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