Chapter 24: Night Terrors

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Callie's P.O.V:

        I yawned, blinking my eyes open as I sat up, careful not to wake Dick, who was still sound asleep. I got out of the bed, gritting my teeth as I remembered the bullet wound. "Stupid robber." I grumbled, hopping over to the bathroom to take another shower. 

        Dick still wasn't awake when I exited, wearing shorts and a random flannel t-shirt. All of the rooms in the apartment were dark and cold. It seemed so lonely. 

        I dragged my fingertips against the wall, feeling for the light switch. I found it and flicked it.






        Flick. Flick. Flick.

        I bit my lip. The power was out. There was a storm coming in, so it had to have just cut the power temporarily. I hopped about, feeling for something solid. The couch should be around here somewhere. My hand didn't come into contact with fabric, however.

        I flinch back, my back hitting the wall, my hip catching on the side table. I made a sound of pain, trying to find some source of light. Why were the curtains pulled over them? 

        I pushed myself up onto my one good leg, clutching my hip to make some of that pain go away. Why had I felt metal before? I wasn't near a lamp, was I? It had been very smooth metal, almost like a car, or a piece of suit. 

        The blood drained from my face. He hadn't followed me, had he? He had given the warning before leaving, and yet that metal....

        I flung open the curtains and stared outside, appalled by the fact that it was still very dark out. I thought it was just four almost five in the morning, but the moon was still high in the sky. 

        "Stay away from Gotham or die." His voice was mechanize, distorted due to his mask. "It doesn't concern you or Grayson. Stay away and you will not be involved or killed."

        My eyes were still on the gun. "Who are you?"

        A chuckle emerged from the voice box. "We have never met. Stay out of Gotham. Final warning." He turned around before jumping off of the roof. I heard the whirring of helicopter blades and cursed to myself. That was the air support. I hobbled off the roof and down the stairwell. The man had just disappeared. 

        It hadn't been a violent meeting, but why had he aimed that gun at me? He had warned us not to go to Gotham, or else we would die, but why would he warn us? Was he a good guy then? But if he was good, then shouldn't he warn others. 

        He had said, " or Grayson...." but I had been in my Nightglider outfit. 

        Who was this guy?

        A creak in the floorboards seemed to echo in the silent room. I whirled around, trying to see with the dim light that was now coming in from the window. There was no one. I stepped forward, finding the creaky floorboard. As soon as I balanced my weight, the television flickered on, Saw coming on. 

        I jumped at the sudden noise. If the power was out, how was the flat-screen working?

        This was too much. Way too much for my brain to process. I limped away, back towards the bedroom, but as I turned the corner in the hall, I ran into something hard. I stumbled back before seeing the man, his helmet glowing. He reached his gloved hand forward and I back up, my back hitting the wall, his hands upon my neck.

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