Chapter 17: New Batsie

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Third P.O.V:

        "Callie!" Robin steps forward, heading towards the Ferris wheel until he was stopped by Batman's hand on his shoulder, tugging him back. 

        "Listen." Batman orders and Robin does, hearing Nightglider still screaming. "That wasn't Nightglider."

        "But that was still someone. Some girl!"

        "Batsie!" The Joker jumped down from a concession stand, aiming a gun at the duo. "You joined us!"

        "Where is she?" Batman questioned and Joker cocked his head, just like the gun. 

        "Where is who?" The Joker says, the smile spreading on his face. 

        "No games, Joker."

        "I didn't mean to blow up the Ferris wheel, faulty control switch." The Joker holds it up before tossing it away, a second explosion occurring at the base of the Ferris wheel. "Oops! Wrong switch!" Joker laughed as he watched the Ferris wheel roll off and into the water below, smoke coming up from where the bombs had been at the base. 

        Batman swooped forward and grabbed Joker's collar, getting the gun out of his grasp before pushing him against the wall of a concession stand. "Where is she!" Batman yelled, his voice modifier almost breaking at the amplification of his voice.

        Robin lowered his voice. "Alfred, where is she?"

        "I fear sir, that I do not know."

Callie's P.O.V:

        He was laughing at me. I saw an image of myself, my younger self, standing in front of him, the new scar on my hip showing predominantly on the image, my own scar aching at the thought of it. The memory of it. The room changed. Suddenly we were in the living room, the T.V. blaring some raunchy scene of women, my uncle's chair knocked over as he had gotten up suddenly. I was cowering in the corner, only wanting the food that was in the fridge. 

        The retractable dagger was still gripped in his hand, the television glinting off of it. The carpet was coated with beer stains and drugs, and now my blood.  

        I stepped forward, ready to stop the next attack on my younger self, but as soon as I stepped, the scene changed, and suddenly I was on the roof of my apartment, my uncle gripping my arm and we stood on the edge of it.

        I watched, no sound coming from his mouth, but I remembered every word. "You wanna join your parents!? Huh?!" He had shouted in my ear, his voice cloaked in alcohol, the beer bottle in his other hand. "I'm the only thing you got left! You understand me! You make me look bad again and you're going off this roof, you hear me!? You hear me?!?!"

        "-you hear me?" That wasn't my uncle's voice. "Callie! Can you hear me?" I glance around, the rooftop not disappearing. "Callie! It's Tim! Can you hear me?" 

        "Tim....?" I whispered, finding myself suddenly in the middle of the street, rain pouring down on my body, my suit gone, and only a dress remaining. 

        There was a truck's horn blaring, and I looked and saw one hurtling down the road towards me. My eyes widened. And then-

        Air. All I felt was air. It filled my lungs and it was fresh. It was cold. I open my eyes and see that my helmet is off of my head, not even my mask on my head anymore. My eyes scan to my right, my body on the floor, and I see mirrors, and a figure beside me in the mirrors. 

        "I hate that gas." Dick muttered as he helped me up into a sitting position. "Are you okay...?" He asked softly, his hand cupping my face. I nod slowly, leaning into his hand, feeling that he was real, feeling that this wasn't a nightmare. 

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