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Sex/Gender: Male

Species: Hedgehog/Alien

Age: Unknown

Character Description: Anthropomorphic Hedgehog/Alien with Chaos Energy. He have inhibitor rings on his wrist containing his Chaos Energy.

Personality: Zadow is a brooding loner. He is usually soft-spoken, silent and doesn't speak much, but he always knows exactly what to say and what he demands. Zadow also does not mind boasting about how powerful he is, calling himself the "Ultimate Life Form" or "High-prince". He believes no one can beat him, and tends to see anyone as a fool for challenging him. Zadow also has a ruthless and merciless edge in combat with a natural "killer instinct". Alongside his dark and violent demeanor, Zadow can be smug and stubborn. He threats others with a very callous manner, throwing his opinion no matter how cold-hearted it is. Zadow also possesses a strong sense of identity. He is a natural leader. He does whatever is necessary to get what he wants or feels is right.
He's a curious creature about how Sonic react to his threats.

Appearance: Zadow is a black and red hedgehog/alien with red stripes on his quills, four tiny stripped-yellow horns on his forehead. Red liner around the edges of his eyes, darker black eyelids and eye bags and normal black on his arms and legs. He has red eyes and yellow sclera. A patch of fur on his chest and muzzle is tan. He has six quills on his head, four of which curve upwards, the middle ones has the horns pattern, and two that curve downwards, has two quills on his back with a black stripe and a long whip-tail. His torso and arms are red, has a black coat as pants-like with the pattern of "M". Also he has three-fingered feet, yellow claws on his feet and hands.


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Sex/Gender: Male

Species: Hedgehog

Age: 17

Character Description: He is a Mobian blue hedgehog with the ability of super speed.

Personality: He is sometimes overconfident and likes to play around. He likes running and exploring, curious about the world around him. He hates water because of his lack of swimming skills. He has a good heart and always tries his best to help people. Although, he sometimes assumes he can deal with things on his own. Additionally, he is willing to put his life on the line for his loved ones.

Appearance: Sonic is a blue furred hedgehog with peach skin and emerald eyes. He has white gloves and his favorite red sneakers.

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Hey everyone! Here's the chapter 0 of my new story. I'm working on it since a little time now. And again I'm sorry for not updating. I know that I'm doing to much stories at the same time but I needed to wright this one, I'm pretty proud of it to be honest. ^^ But like I was saying, this chapter is for the description of the main characters, and to actually show you the look of this new Shadow, or "Zadow" this time. I fucking love this look. I hope you will like this story, maybe it will be my main story to work on.

Later! ^^

Credits for Zadow goes to: KingOfHighlands.

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