Chapter 18: The Hospital.

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Sonic started to gently wake up and found himfelf in a white room, alone. He wondered where he was, he wanted to get up but he was in pain. Suddenly a doctor came in the room.

"You're awake. I was wondering when you will wake up." The doctor said.

Sonic slowly sat up. "Where I am?.." He asked, feeling a bit weak, but nothing that he couldn't handle.

"You are at the Mobius' hospital. Your friends brought you here, he were unconscious and badly damaged. You were asleep for some days actually." The doctor answered, checking his state.

"Where are my friends?.. I want to see them..."

"They are in the waiting room. You're good enough for them to visit you, I'll tell them to come." The doctor said bofore going out of the room.

Sonic sighed, and he wondered if Zadow was with his friends as well, of if something happened to him, And what with the fact that Zadow is pregnant?.. He just hoped that everything was fine.

Suddenly his friend came in his room, with Amy running to him and hugged him as usual, he groaned in pain and quickly made her let go of him. He was sad and worried when he didn't saw Zadow. "Where is Zadow?.."

"He felt unconscious next to you after the battle against Eggman... We don't know how he is... The doctors didn't tell us news about him..." Tails answered sadly.

Sonic tried to get up, even if he was in pain. "I need to see him..."

His friends tried to get him back to bed, but he started to struggle against them, until the doctor came back in the room.

"Mister Hedgehog, you can't get up yet, your wounds will opens again if you move too much."

Sonic started to growl, worry and sadness evident in his eyes. "I have to see Zadow!.. He needs me!.."

"You're talking about the Hedgehog-Alien?" 

Sonic looked at the doctor, a bit hurt by the words, but he needed to know where he was, and if he was okay. "Where is he?.. I need to see him and to know if he is okay."

"I'm not sure it's wise-" The doctor started to say, but Sonic quickly cut him off.

"I am his mate, I have the right to see him. So you'll show me where he is or I'll find it myself." Sonic said seriously, not wanting to lose more time.

The doctor wanted to protest, but knowing that he was in front of Sonic, and knowing his reputation, he knews that he will not be able to stop him. He sighed. "Fine... I'll show you where he is, but go easy on yourself."

Sonic just got up from his bed, groaning a bit in pain, but he managed to follow the doctor.


During the walk, the doctor explained Zadow's  state to Sonic. He was really weak and pregnant, even if Sonic knews that already, Everything was fine with the baby, even in his weak state, and Sonic learned that Zadow had powerful healing abilities. All of his injuries were already nearly healed, it's just his energy state that was still low.

"There he is. You can stay for a bit, but I'll have to come back to get you to your room. I'll check on your injuries later." The doctor added and left.

Sonic gently goes inside the room, seeing Zadow sleeping. He gently walked to the bed and took a sit next to it. He slowly strocked Zadow quills, relieved to see that he is alive, but worried about his state and the baby. 'I'm so sorry Zadow... I wasn't strong enough...' He thoughts. He then looked at Zadow's belly, hoping that everything will be fine...


I'm really sorry for the late update, I have a lot of things coming up lately, but I'll still finish this story and I'll not stop writing! ^^

Votes and Comments, please. :)

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