Chapter 2: What Are You?

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A black and red creature jumped on Sonic, tackling him on the ground and growling menacingly at him. Sonic reacted quickly and pushed the strange creature away from him and he quickly took a fighting stance, he then froze when he saw the creature. The creature have the head of a hedgehog, juste like him, but his quills are different, he even have horns on his forehead. He is standing like a feline, growling and waiting the right moment to stike.

Sonic gluped a bit. "Chaos..."

When Sonic spoke the creature titled his head on the side in curiosity and gently stood on his legs. Sonic saw that the creature nearly looks like a hedgehog, a hedgehog a bit taller than himself he admited, watching the creature standing in front of him. But he was confused by the sudden change of stance and the curiosity of the other. He stayed on his guard. "You can talk?.."

Suddenly the creature stared at him in the eyes. Sonic was completely frozen by the ruby eyes that stared him. They looked animal, but at the same time, they looked like his own. Then the creature suddenly ran in the other direction. Sonic was taken aback by the sudden movement.

"What?!... Hey! Wait!.." Sonic quickly ran after him.


"Damn... He is fast!.." Sonic tried to follow the creature, but it wasn't easy in a dense forest like this one. When he thought that he lost him, he saw a cave. He gently walked inside, staying on his guard. He saw some bones on the ground and started to become nervous, but he looked around some more. He saw like a fire camp in the middle and some simple tools. He wondered who lived here. His question was answered when he saw glowing ruby eyes in the dark, staring at him. He gulped and tried to look friendly enought. "I don't want to hurt you... Really... I just want to know you... I swear..."

The creature came to the light, still staring Sonic with interest, studying him.

"You see?.. I'm not dangerous... Now you can tell me what you are?.." Sonic tried to smile to not be seen like an aggressor.

The creature said nothing but came closer, still studying him with interest. Sonic became more nervous but didn't moves, he don't wanted to offend this creature.

"If you can understand me you can tell me your name?.."

"... You look like me..."

Sonic was surprised by the other's voice, it was dark and deep, and it suited him, he added in his thoughts. "You... Well... I'm a Mobian. What are you?" He smiled gently.

The creature just titled his head on the side. It was cute, even for a deadly creature like him. 

"Well... You look like a hedgehog, like me. But with horns and more... Feral features if I can say it like that." Sonic looked at the creature. "You're alone here?" 

The creature nodded.

"I see... Hey, you can show me around? It's a beautiful place where you're living."

The creature looked at Sonic, a bit suspicious but nodded and headed outside of his cave, with Sonic following him.


"I'm a Mobian hedgehog, and since you're nearly like me, you're maybe a hybrid hedgehog with something else, but I don't know what." Sonic smiled, looking at the beautiful view he have now. The lake is like shining with the fake-ceiling blue shining stones reflecting on it. The creature just nodded. "Oh, and by the way, my name is Sonic. What's yours?" Sonic looked at his new friend and smiled.

The creature started to growl. "Why you want to know my name?"

Sonic panicked a bit and tried to calm the creature. "I didn't mean to offend you!.. I just want to know you. Like that we can be friend..."

The black and red hedgehog-alike calmed down and titled his head, looking at Sonic. "Friend? I don't know this word..."

Sonic chuckled a bit at his friend expression. "I'll show you what a friend is, but I need to know your name first."

"Fair enough I guess... My name is Zadow."


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