Chapter 11: Love?..

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Zadow was exploring the city, the people, everything, to understand this new world better, and something else. He is seeking answers to what Tails told him, and for the weird feeling he feels toward Sonic. "Is it really normal?.. I never felt something like this before... It feel nice to be with Sonic..." He thoughts, until he heard people talking not too far away from him. He got curious and goes checking.

He saw two people walking side by side, seeming happy, until one of the two kissed the others cheek. Zadow was a bit confused by this, but he felt something coming because of this. He didn't know why, but he wanted to do the same to Sonic. He continued to follow them in curiosity.


After nearly 2 hours, Sonic spotted Zadow following a couple. He wanted to surprise him for all this but Zadow already saw him coming.

"There you are, Zadow!.. Why did you ran off like that?! And why you're following this people? You're not chasing them I hope?" Sonic was relieved to see Zadow but he was angry at him at the same time because he got out without saying anything.

Zadow just looked at Sonic. "I just wanted answers, but you don't wanted to give them to me. So I got out to find them myself."

"About what? Don't tell me that it was about what we talked earlier..."

Zadow said nothing, and Sonic understood that it was exactly what Zadow was trying to find.

Sonic sighed. "Why you want to know that?.. You don't think that it's a bit early?.. You just discovered a new world after all..." He was embarrassed by the subject for the third time today.

"Because I feel like it. Why you don't want to tell me about this?" Zadow was suddenly serious, but it went unnoticed by Sonic, who just tried to change the subject.

"It's just embarrassing to talk about that with someone just like that. Anyway... Let's go back home, I'll call Tails to tell him that I found you." He took his communicator.

Suddenly Zadow felt the need to be close to Sonic, he didn't know why, but it was too strong to resist anyway. He grabbed Sonic by the waist, startling him. Sonic looked at Zadow, shocked and a bit confused by the sudden gesture.

"Zadow, what are you-"

Sonic didn't have time to finish his sentence as Zadow kissed him, full on the lips. His eyes widden but his body was like frozen on the spot. He was confused by Zadow reaction, why he have done that? It is why he wanted to know more about 'Mate' and all? Or is it just his animal instinct talking? Sonic didn't know, but his curiosity changed in fear quickly after. He pushed Zadow away and he looked at him, shocked and embarrassed.

"Why... Why did you... I-I..."

Zadow looked at Sonic with hurt in his eyes at being rejected like that. His face became emotionless some seconds after and his started to walk towards Sonic's house.

Sonic looked at Zadow, wondering why he was acting like this. "... Z-Zadow?.." But Zadow ignored him and just walked back home. It took some minutes, and the sound of his communicator at Sonic to came back to his sense after all this. He answered it, Tails was calling him.

"Don't worry Tails... I found him... But... I-I think I need to talk to you... It's kind of personal..."

"Sonic?.. Everything's okay? You sound a little... Off?.."

"I'm fine... Just come to my house... Please..." Sonic ended the call and goes back to his house, thinking about what happened.


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