Chapter 15: Eggman's Attack.

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Sonic slowly woke up, finding Zadow still close to him. He smiled and cuddled him a moment longer, until Zadow started to wake up.

"Morning, Love..." Sonic smiled and kissed Zadow's forehead gently.

Zadow's ears twitched at the voice and he gently openned his eyes to look at Sonic. "Morning..." He yawned and stretched.

Sonic smiled and sat up. "You want breakfast?"

Zadow gently sat up and nodded. "Yeah, I'm really hungry."

Sonic chuckled and got up from the bed, going to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for him and his Love. Zadow got up as well and goes to the living room to wait for the breakfast. He wanted to help Sonic, because he was really hungry for an unknow reason, but he was not good at preparing breakfast. But without knowing, his hunger got him to the kitchen and watched Sonic cooking. Sonic felt that he was being watched and looked behind him, he saw Zadow and smiled.

"You want to help me?"

Zadow looked a bit embarrassed. "Hmm... I'm just really hungry and I'm not good at cooking anyway."

"Come on, you'll do it with me" Sonic took Zadow with him and showed him the first thing about cooking, he quickly learned all of the basics and breakfast was quickly done. The two of them eated in silence, just enjoying their closeness. They finished to eat just when Sonic's phone started to ring, he saw Tails' picture on it and answered. "Tails, buddy, what's up?" He asked cheerfully on the phone.

"Sonic! Eggman is attacking the city! You need to come quick!"

Sonic looked worried and nodded. "Hang on, buddy. I'm coming right now." He quickly hung up, looking serious.

Zadow was confused by Sonic sudden serious face. "What's wrong?"

Sonic looked at Zadow, still serious. "Eggman is attacking the city again... I need to go quick." He got up from his seat.

Zadow got up as well, with a serious look on his face as well. "I'm coming with you."

Sonic nodded. "Alright then, let's go!"

Sonic ran outside, Zadow closely following him, running on all four. They ran quicly to the city.


Eggman was laughing like a maniac, destroying buildings and everything that was on his path. Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Rouge and Silver were already trying to stop him, but this robot was really big. Suddenly Sonic appeared and spin dashed the robot, but no damage was done. Eggman laughed in satisfaction at Sonic failed attempt.

"Hohohohoho! What's wrong, Sonic? My robot is too strong for you?"

Sonic growled. "You'll see, I'm not finished yet!" He prepared another attack, but suddenly Zadow growled loudly and jumped on the robot, glowing with a red energy. The robot had lost his balance momentarily, but not a lot of damage was done again.

Eggman grinned evily. "You're all too weak to beat my new robot!" He smirked and tried to capture Zadow with a swift move, but Zadow quickly dodged it, Eggman cursed under his breath and tried another tactic to capture Zadow. He firered missiles at Sonic, of course he dodged all of them, but it was a trap, Sonic was too distracted to dodge the missiles that he didn't saw the robot's arm coming his way quickly.

Zadow gasped at seeing this. "Sonic!!!" He quickly pushed Sonic out of the way and the robot grabbed him instead.

"W-Wha- Zadow!!!" Sonic was surprised by the sudden push and the fact that he saw his Lover being captured by the big robot. "Let him go!" Sonic growled dangerously.

Eggman laughed again. "My plan worked! Now I have your precious friend, and I'll use him to destroy you!"

Sonic growled loudly. "I'll not let you do. I'll stop you."

Eggman smirked mischievously. "It's too late for that."

Suddenly Zadow screamed in pain, making Sonic growls more in anger. "Stop that and let him go!"

"Oh, Sonic. Seeing you like that clearly amuse me, but your little friend here have an energy that I want to use." Eggman laughed and started to fly away with Zadow.

"No!!!" Sonic tried to follow him, but his friends stopped him. "Get off of me! I have to save Zadow! Now!!!" He struggled, his emotions started to get the best of him. He panted and he have some tears in his eyes.

"Sonic, calm down, please!.. We will save Zadow, but we have to prepare for it..." Tails tried to calm his best friend.

Sonic sniffed and looked where Eggman have gone, worried for Zadow...


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