Chapter One - Leather

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~Leather's POV~

Ashton was going on about his exprience so far on tour. He looked so excited while talking about it. His dimples lit up my computer screen. "So, baby, how are you?" Ashton smiled at me through the screen and I felt my heart jump as it would if he was next to me.

"I'm good! I have a couple weeks left of school before I get my Associates and then I start at the record label Ken's friend works at." My professor from Australia has a friend in LA. He said he would give me a job as an intern and I would work my way up.

"That's awesome! Both of us living our dreams!"

"I wish it could be together." I looked down and wiped away a stray tear. The truth is, I have not been handling being away from Ashton and it's only been six weeks. I keep seeing pictures of him with girls and kissing their cheeks and I can't help but feel jealous. All these girls get to see my boyfriend in person and I can only see him through a computer or cell phone screen. It wasn't fair.

"Hey, we'll be together soon enough." Ashton tried to soothe me, but it didn't work. This wasn't working. I'm not ready to handle having a boyfriend who is a celebrity and constantly has girls throwing themselves at him. It hurt too much.

"Ashton, we need to talk." There was silence on his end, so I took it as permission to continue. "I love you so much, but,"

"No," Ashton's voice cut me off, "no 'buts'. You are not breaking up with me. I know things are hard, but you are not breaking up with me. No."

"Ashton, we aren't the same couple we were in Australia. There are days we don't even talk and when we do, it's only for a short period of time. This is the longest conversation we've had in four weeks."

"Okay, then I'll call or text more often, whatever it takes. I don't want to lose you, Leather."


"No! We can do this! Come with us and be our sound person! We can live our dreams together!" His eyes were pleading and I felt my heart break.

"I don't want you to hand me a job because you don't want to break up. I need to earn it. I need to achieve my dream myself."

"That doesn't mean we have to break up!" I didn't say anything and Ashton sighed. "I guess there's no changing your mind." I shook my head and hiccuped on my tears. "So, this is it?"

I looked up and saw tears were now visible from Ashton's side of the video call which only multiplied mine. I nodded my head and hiccuped again. "I'm so sorry, Ashton. I'm not strong enough for this."

"I wish I could reach through this screen and wipe away your tears. I wish I could pull you here with me."

"Ash, please," I begged, "don't make this harder than it is." I grabbed a tissue from my desk and blew my nose.

"I love you, Leather. I'll come back to you." Ashton ended the Skype call and I slammed my computer shut and began sobbing.

"Leather," Ari said wearily as she opened our dorm room door, "Leather, what's wrong? Leather?" The last 'Leather' was not Ari's voice, it was a male voice.

"Leather? Leather, wake up." I shot up and saw Bryson take a step back. "You fell asleep and mumbled and whimpered again. Bad dream?" He asked as he sat on the end of my desk.

"Yeah, something like that." I managed a small smile before wiping my eyes. "What do you need?"

"John wants to see you. I'm betting he gives you your first solo gig." Bryson gave me his famous pretty boy smile.

"Wish me luck." I smiled as I headed to the door and straightened myself out. Ew, drool.

"Hey," Bryson called as I reached the door,"we still on for lunch?"

"Of course." I smiled and he gave me a wink.

I knocked on the door of John's office and heard a faint 'come in'. "You wanted to see me?" I asked as I sat down in a chair in front of his desk.

"Yes. I have some good news for you." John smiled and I raised an eyebrow. "You will be recording a band's first album on your own. They're a pop punk band who were discovered on YouTube. They've recorded stuff on their own, but this will be their first studio album." John handed me a sheet of paper and continued. "Here's some background on them along with songs you can listen to so you can get a feel of what kind of stuff they do."

"Thank you so much, John I promise I won't let you.." I trailed off as I read the name of the band. "Five Seconds of Summer? The band I'm going to be working with is Five Seconds of Summer?"

John nodded. "Yup. They specifically asked for you." I slumped in the chair and stared at the paper. "Is there a problem, Leather?"

"No, umm, there's just some, well, history with myself and the band. I met them when I studied abroad."

"Do you want me to give it to someone else?" Yes? No? Ugh. This is my first solo offer and who knows when or if I'll get another. You can do this, Leather. You're a different person than you were. You. Can. Do. This.

"No! I can do this. I promise. I won't let you down." I smiled and John gave me a suspicious look.

"Okay, well, take the rest of the day to prepare for tomorrow. I'll see you here bright and early. Oh, and dress professional. It is your first time after all." I nodded and thanked John again before leaving his office and heading back to mine to get my stuff ready to leave. I need fresh air stat.

"Skipping out for lunch without telling me?" Bryson joked as he came into my office. Fuck. Lunch.

"I'm sorry, I need to get ready for tomorrow. I'm meeting a band I'm going to record for. I'll make it up to you tomorrow, I promise." I gave him a smile before leaving the label.

Those bastards. I can't believe they requested for me to record for them! Do they not realize how awkward it will be?! The only one I talk to anymore is Luke and I haven't even talked to him in over a month.

When I finally made it home to my apartment, I grabbed cake batter and all the things I needed to make cupcakes before calling Ari. "Hello?" She sang into the phone. She won't be so chipper after she hears this.

"Do you want cupcakes?" I asked into the receiver.

"Leather, are you stress-baking again?" Ari inquired and I rolled my eyes. Of course I'm stress-baking. I just had the worst day ever, well, maybe not ever, but still pretty bad.

"Nooo..." I lied into the phone and I swear I could hear her roll her eyes.

"Yesss. So, Miss. Drama Queen, what happened now?" She laughed into the phone and I pouted.

"Well, I got my first assignment today. I'm going to be recording the first studio album for an up and coming pop punk band."

"Leather! That's amazing! Wait, why don't you sound excited? Do they suck? Are they ugly? Who are they?! Tell me!"

"Well, you see, Heartbreak Girl," I began but was cut off by the sound of Ari choking on whatever she was drinking. That seems to be the general reaction to this news.

"No." Ari stated. "No, no, no, no, no, no. No."

"Yes." I responded as I put my finger in the batter and licked it off.

"Extra icing, please." Ari poured into the phone.

Leather and Ari are back!!! How excited are you?! So many things have changed! No more Leaton, some new faces, and new adventures! Keep reading to see what happens! Thank you all for reading our first book and we hope you love the sequel! As always, I love all of you!!!! -Harmony xxx

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