Chapter Twenty-Three ~ Leather

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~Leather's POV~

I rolled over in my bed to find that it was empty on the other side. Hmm, where did Ashton go? I yawned as I practically crawled out of my bed and walked into the living room, the kitchen, and the studio to only not find Ashton. Where was he? My heart began to race as I speed walked back into my room to get my phone when I saw Ashton crawling into my bedroom from the fire escape.

"You scared the Jesus out of me!" I screamed as clutched my hand over my heart.

"I didn't know you found Jesus." Ashton giggled as he walked over to me and kissed my temple.

"Very funny." I pouted as I crossed my arms over my chest. "What were you doing out there?"

"I was on the phone. I told Ari I'm gonna meet with her tomorrow to tell her the good news." He smiled that big grin of his and he took me and my bratty four-year-old stanced self into his arms.

I smiled and uncrossed my arms to wrap them around Ash. "You're gonna tell her without me?" I questioned while looking up at him and batting my lashes.

"Yes because she was a great help in the pursuit to get you back."

"You mean the tricking and lying to me?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Exactly." Ashton smiled and brought his lips to mine. "C'mon, beautiful, let's get you back to bed."

"But I'm hungry." I pouted and batted my eyelashes as I swung my and Ashton's intertwined hands he was using to guide me back to bed.

"Babe, it's the middle of the night." I shrugged my shoulders and continued pouting. "Alright, c'mon." He laughed as we walked to the kitchen.

"Yeee!" I squealed, earning a laugh from him.

When we got to the kitchen, Ashton picked me up and plopped me on to the counter before grabbing two bowls from the cabinets. A few minutes later, two beautiful ice cream sundaes were made. Ashton leaned on the counter next to where he sat me and we ate our ice cream in comfortable silence.

"Thank you." I smiled before kissing Ashton as he put the dishes in the sink.

"You're very welcome, princess." He cooed as he took a place standing between my legs. "I missed this." He breathed as he rested his hands on my thighs.

"Me too." I leaned in and pecked his nose then wiggling mine against his immediately while giggling. Ashton smirked before resting his hands on the counter and crashing out lips together. My hands instinctively went around his torso, pulling him closer. "That was quite the goodnight kiss. I think I could get used to that." I smirked and Ashton rolled his eyes.

"Let's get you to bed, nerd." Ashton turned around so that his back was to me and motioned for me to hop on. I was in a fit of 2am giggles as Ashton bounced me around while giving me a piggyback ride back to bed.

I snuggled into Ashton's side as he pulled the covers over us and hugged me close. "Thank you." I whispered while drawing circles on his chest.

"For what?" He yawned.

"For putting up with my stubbornness and stupidity and for being creepy and sneaky."

Ashton let out a throaty chuckle and kissed the top of my head. "Anytime. Goodnight, Leather."

"Goodnight, Ash." I smiled into his chest. "I love you." I mumbled. 

"I love you too, crazy girl." Ashton smiled as he pulled me closer to his chest. With that, I had the best night's sleep I've had since I was in Australia.


"Hey you, look around! Can you hear that noise? It's a rebel sound. We got nowhere else to go. And when the sun goes down and we fill the streets, you're gonna dance 'til the morning to the rebel's beat. You can take everything from me 'cause this is all I need.

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