Chapter Six ~ Arianna

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~Arianna's POV~

"Boys, do you wanna see my makeshift studio in the other room? Maybe you guys can show me some of the stuff you're working on." Leather suggested as I made my way over to Trent. Luke, Michael, and Calum all rushed over to her while Ashton stayed on the couch. It wasn't all that surprising that he stayed seated. When the other four walked away I pulled Trent over to the couch, wedging myself between him and Ash.

"So Ashy, how have you been?" I raised my eyebrow at him, putting my arm around his shoulder.

"I've seen better days. You've changed quite a bit." Ashton replied, giving me and Trent a once-over.

"I was tired of feeling bad about myself for what happened." I shrugged, then realized that was probably the last thing I should have said.

"He never wanted you to feel bad about yourself." Ash stated, looking at Trent's hand holding onto mine.

"Yeah, well the kid certainly didn't make it easy on her." Trent shot back. Oh no. Ashton's gaze hardened.

"Listen mate, I don't know exactly what you've been told but Luke wasn't the one who ended things between the two of them." He spat out.

"The clingy guy didn't make it easy to say goodbye." Trent muttered.

"Trent. Enough." I basically growled through gritted teeth. He shrugged.

"Where in the world did you meet this guy, Ari?" Ashton inquired.

"Um, we met through a party at the label Leather works for." I explained.

"How did you and my baby girl meet, man?" Trent pulled me back against his chest. Oh Jesus. Ashton smiled.

"We met in Australia. Back when she was a brunette." He answered.

"Funny, she's been a blonde since I met her. Skinny and hot too." I could tell Trent was using what Michael, Calum, and Ash had said earlier as some kind of comeback. Like it was him I did all that for. That wasn't accurate.

"Arianna was always good looking. She didn't need to change." I pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling a headache coming on.

"Trent, do you think you could get me a glass of water from the kitchen?" I asked, nudging him with my elbow. He kissed my cheek and then got up to head to the kitchen. "Alright Irwin, talk to me." I poked his nose. He crinkled it with a small chuckle.

"I don't like that guy." Ash glanced toward the kitchen.

"He's just being protective of me like you are of Luke. He knows how much it hurt me to do what I did." I looked down, fidgeting with my hands.

"I know why you did what you did. I just think you and Luke could have worked out if you tried." Ash shrugged.

"Just like you and Leather worked out." I shot defensively. His gaze fell and so did my stomach. "Aw, fuck. Ashton I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that I swear." I reached forward, yanking him into a tight hug.

"It's fine, Ari." He shook his head, hugging me back. However, the way his head sunk down onto my shoulder as I hugged him I could tell it was anything but fine. I pulled back from the hug and reached onto the little table thing next to me that had a pen and pieces of paper strewn everywhere. "What are you doing?" He inquired as I scribbled.

"This is my new phone number and my new address. You know, incase you ever need to talk." I smiled, placing it in his hand as Trent walked back in with a glass of water.

"Talk about what?" Ash raised his eyebrow.

"You know, stuff." I shrugged. Trent handed me my water and sat back down behind me. Then he opened his mouth.

"Listen, dude, I'm sorry for acting like such a dick. I know the breakup was hard on Arianna and I just want to protect her from anything that would upset her." Praise the lord Trent had come to his senses again.

"It's alright mate, I know where you're coming from." Ash responded. Ahhhhh, harmony once more. Just as I thought that Leather and three other three boys walked back into the livingroom. I gave Ash a quick hug goodbye and he stood up to leave as Leather walked them all to the door. Ashton and Michael walked out without even looking at Leather. Sketchy. Calum and Luke gave her a hug and said they would see her tomorrow. Leather gave them a smile before closing the door and joining me and Trent in the living room.

"Well, they seemed nice." Trent smiled. Leather sighed and plopped down on the couch.

"Yeah, something like that." she muttered.

"Aw c'mon, you know you kinda missed them." I poked her arm.

"I missed Calum." Leather shook her head with a laugh.

"Is that the Asian one?" Trent raised his eyebrow. Leather and I looked at eachother before bursting out laughing. "What? What's so funny?"

"If he heard you say that...." I couldn't stop the laughter attack I was having.

"You'd be dead." Leather giggled.

"Is he not Asian?" Trent questioned with a confused expression.

"He's a new zealander slash Australian." I informed my boyfriend, still kind of laughing to myself.

"Oh..." Trent trailed off, still looking mildly confused.

"Alright love birds, you guys staying or going? I've got some stuff to prepare for work tomorrow." Leather stood up off the couch, looking more like she was about to go to sleep than do any work for the record label.

"We're gonna head out. Since we're a bit late for that party maybe we'll just stay in at my place and cuddle." I gave Trent a questioning look and he nodded. Yay same page!

"Alright, I guess I'll see you losers around then." Leather gave each of us a hug.

"I'll bring back your clothes.... Whenever." I shrugged. Leather laughed and rolled her eyes. Trent and I headed out, him picking me up since I still had no shoes.

"Am I going to be seeing alot more of those Australians?" My boyfriend asked once we were back in his truck on the way to my place. I leaned my head on his shoulder, cuddling close to him.

"Maybe Ashton. I don't know about anyone else." I shrugged. I felt my phone buzz. Displayed on the screen was a text from Ash. Well, I may have changed my number but I made sure to keep the boys... Just in case.

Ash: Hey Ari, it's Ash. I realized I didn't say thanks for the offer to talk. I appreciate it

I smiled, replying and telling him it was no problem and I was always there for him. This was definitely going to be an interesting time with these boys back.

Aw Ashy and Ari bonding!! Hope y'all liked it!! More to come! Xx Anne!

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