Chapter Sixteen ~ Arianna

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~Arianna's POV~

I woke up the next morning to the sound of my phone ringing out Therapy by All Time Low, the ringtone I had adopted for all of the boys from 5SOS. It just made sense. I groaned and reached out to get my phone off my nightstand. It took a second to realize I had to answer the call before it went to voicemail.

"Mmm...Hello?" I grumbled. My head felt like it was going to explode.

"Hey short-stack, how are you doing today?" Calum said in a happy but light tone that didn't drill into my head unlike my ringtone from two seconds ago.

"Hungover. Tired. Sore. How are you?" I muttered. I heard him chuckle softly and say something to someone close by, though I didn't catch exactly what he said. "What was that?"

"Nothing, I wasn't talking to you." He laughed again, "Are you up to going out to get some coffee and maybe something to eat?"

"If you give me twenty minutes and make the coffee really strong." I responded, slowly sitting up and holding my head in my hand that wasn't holding my phone.

"I'll pick you up in a half hour and we'll go to Starbucks, okay?" He suggested. I nodded my head and then realized he couldn't see me. Geez, I did that way too often to be normal.

"Sounds good. I'll see you then hot stuff." I giggled. I could practically hear him rolling his eyes as he chuckled and said goodbye. I stood up from my bed and looked around as slowly as humanly possible. This hangover was going to be the death of me. I didn't even remember drinking that much last night. I made my way to the bathroom and washed my face. As I was lowering my hands from my face I noticed how purple my wrist was. The entire thing was bruised completely around. Oh fuck.

The more I thought about last night the more I remembered. The party, slamming down way too much alcohol, Luke kissing me, Calum walking me home, reading the letter.... and Trent getting angry. I looked down at my wrist a second time. I'm sure he really hadn't meant to leave a mark. He probably just thought he was pulling me back to get my attention. Sometimes people don't know their own strength... and well... the slap... I'm sure it was just a bad reflex. He said he loved me right after, so he clearly didn't mean to hurt me.

I shook it off and continued to get myself ready to go out with Calum. I went back into my room and changed in to a pair of light blue skinny jeans, white flats, and a turquoise camisole. No effort what-so-ever. I wonder where Trent had gone last night anyway? The last thing I remembered was laying down in my bed after getting out of the shower and him pulling me against his side to sleep like we normally did. I walked in to the kitchen, taking my sunglasses off the counter to block out the bright L.A. sun. When I picked them up I saw a note left on the counter.


left for practice. you have that rescheduled class this afternoon. Don't forget.


Well that was anti-climactic. I shook my head as the doorbell to the apartment rang. Was there a way to make that quieter? I really wished that there was. I swung my bag over my shoulder, took my adolescent psych text book off the table and shoved it in. Then headed for the door. When I opened it Calum smiled back at me.

"I see you've taken to wearing sunglasses in the dark." He joked, looking into my apartment to see no lights turned on. I rolled my eyes at him but smiled and shoved him back slightly so I could close the door behind me.

"Listen, I was promised strong coffee. Could we get to that before the jokes about my lack of good judgement last night." I smiled. He nodded and together we set out to the nearest Starbucks, which was two minutes away. Once we got there we ordered and waited together in silence. God bless this amazing tan boy for knowing not to say much before I got some caffine and food. The guy behind the counter called my name and I reached forward to grab my bagel and trenta coffee.

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