Chapter Two ~ Arianna

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~Arianna's POV~

"I am so not okay with this." I shook my head, taking a huge glob of icing off of the top of my cupcake. It was my third.

"You're not even the one who has to work with them!" Leather pouted, brushing her hair out of her face.

"I know sweetie. I'm sorry." I pouted back at her. She sighed, placing all of the stuff she used to bake in the sink. There were so many pros and cons about Leather stress baking. The pros were that I got really good cupcakes with lots of icing and I always got the best gossip while we were eating whatever she baked. The cons were that I would probably have to spend two hours at the gym working off the insane calories. Okay, so there was only one con but it was a pretty big one.

"How is this supposed to work?" Leather inquired, starting to wash the dishes. I threw out my cupcake wrappers and began to dry her dishes. It was so odd not to be living together anymore. Though it was probably for the best. I had more freedom with an apartment of my own and figured she felt the same way.

"I can't tell you. I still can't believe they had the audacity to request that you record it." I shook my head. Just as I said that my phone began to buzz in the pocket of my shorts. I placed the towel I was drying with on the counter and answer the phone call.

"Hey beautiful." Trent greeted when I answered.

"Hey babe, what's up?" I replied, twirling a lock of hair around my finger. Leather laughed while mocking what I said in a super girly voice. I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Just got home from class. Where are you?"

"At Leather's apartment, helping clean up from her stress baking." I giggled. Leather turned to me and gave a little wave. "She says hi."

"Tell her I said hey. You going to be home soon?" He asked, in the background I could hear him unlocking my apartment's front door with the spare key that I had made for him. It wasn't like he lived with me or anything but I didn't want him to have to wait in the hallway if I wasn't home when he was coming over.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna finish helping her clean up and I'll see you after." I replied.

"Alright. Take your time. I'll just make us dinner while I'm waiting." You could hear the smile in his voice.

"You're such a sweetheart. I love you Trent." I smiled, then saw Leather mimicking a throwing up motion. I flipped her off and she laughed.

"I love you too Ari. See you soon." We said our final goodbyes and then I ended the call, shoving the phone into my back pocket.

"I suppose that means things are going well with prince charming?" Leather raised her eyebrow. I nodded, picking up the towel to continue drying but she took it from me. "Go home. Eat a dinner made by mister wonderful and text me."

"You're the best!" I squeaked, hugging her tightly before going to gather my things.

"I mean, pretty much." She laughed. I hugged her goodbye and booked it out of the apartment. I had my own to get back to. It took about fifteen minutes to get to my apartment by walking. Yeah, we definitely didn't live that far apart. When I got back to my place I unlocked the front for and was greeted by the smell of chicken with roasted red peppers.

"You're some kind of god." I stated, walking up behind Trent and wrapping my arms around his torso.

"Mmmmm, you have the most interesting compliments babe." He chuckled, leaning down at kiss me as he moved me next to him under his arm.

"I mean, I try." I shrugged, cuddling in to his side.

"Nah babe, you don't have to try. You're just adorable anyway." He smiled. I blushed, hiding my face. I quickily ducked out from under his arm to go grab the plates for him to put the food on. I took them out of the cabinet and put them on the counter. Then I took out two wine glasses and put them on the table before going to the fridge to get my wine bottle. "You didn't open my present yet?"

"I don't know. I figured wine from your grandparent's vineyard was something we shoud drink together." I giggled.

"Cute." He smirked, placing the food on the table as I popped the cork out of the wine.

"Duh." I stuck out my tongue. My phone buzzed once more in my pocket and took it out. A text from my friend Brittany.

Brittany: Hayyyy girl! Party tomorrow night at AVALON!!!

I looked up from my phone to see Trent pouring our drinks. I showed him the text while he poured and he placed the bottle down.

"Ask her if it's going to be like last week where we had to pay for her drunk ass to get a taxi." He joked.

"I'm sure it will be, but you know it's all part of the fun. I say we go." I shrugged, already typing back my response that we would be there. Trent rarely ever said no when I wanted to go out and party. It was atleast a once a week thing.

"Whatever you wanna do. Now put your phone away, we're having a dinner date." He plucked my phone from my hand and locked it before putting it on top of the fridge where I couldn't reach it. After we had finished our dinner Trent told me he had to go back to school for his football practice. With a quick kiss goodbye, quick meaning about ten minutes long, he was out the door and I was looking through my closet for the perfect outfit for the party tomorrow.

It was so hard to choose just one outfit of mine that I liked but eventually I settled for the blue and green sequined body-con dress Trent had bought me a couple weeks ago. It came right below my butt making sure to cover it, and was a tad low cut. Trent seemed to like it so I mean.... I started to look through my shoe collection for matching shoes when I remembered that the last time I wore the dress I had borrowed heels from Leather. I glanced at the clock, seeing it was eight p.m. Hopefully she wasn't busy.

I went in to the kitchen, dragging a chair over to the fridge to grab my phone off of the top of it. Leather picked up her phone on the second ring. Good friend, that girl.

"Alright, what do you want?" She said with a mixture of a sigh and a laugh.

"You know those heels I borrowed like a month ago to wear with that dress?" I inquired.

"The semi-pretty-much slutty dress? Wait, I should clarify, the semi-pretty-much slutty green and blue dress?" She laughed.

"Don't hate me cause you ain't me." I said all sassy, "And yeah, that one. Can I borrow those again for tomorrow night?"

"I suppose so. When are you gonna come pick them up?"

"Probably a couple hours before the party." I shrugged, knowing she couldn't see me but having the normal reflex to do so anyway.

"Sounds good. See you tomorrow." She stated.

"See ya tomorrow." I replied and then ended our phone call. Tomorrow would be so much fun for me.

Alrighty ya'll! Whatchya think of Ari's new boyfriend Trent? Totes a keeper right? Lots of love! Xx Anne

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