Chapter Thirty-One ~ Leather

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~Leather's POV~

"What's Thanksgiving again?" Ashton asked as we walking through the automatic doors of the supermarket.

"Do you want the kiddie version or the adult version?" I asked as I got a cart and put my purse in it, searching for my shopping list.

"There's more than one version?" Ashton raised an eyebrow as he took the cart from me.

"Well, when you're little, they tell you that the Pilgrims and Indians ate happily together for three days and the world was a happy place, but,"

"There's always a 'but' with you." He teased.

I flicked his nose before continuing. "But, when you get older, you learn that the Pilgrims were buttholes and gave the Indians diseases and ran them out of their native land and segregated them to a certain part of the US. Plus, Thanksgiving wasn't made a national holiday until like 1863 by Abraham Lincoln."

"That's awful. Why would the Pilgrims do that?" Ashton asked as he grabbed the cake mix from the shelf of which I was struggling to reach.

"Because apparently they were crappy people. US History classes in high school were a rough time." I laughed as I ducked under his arms so that I was standing in front of him as we strolled through the supermarket.

After getting all the trimmings for a traditional turkey dinner, Ashton and I stood online waiting to check out. I was giggling at Ashton as he made funny faces at a small baby girl who was in the carriage in front of us.

"I can do what I want; I'm punk rock!" rang from my phone in my pocket. Okay, so I maybe recorded Michael's voice and set it as his ringtone. Sue me.

"Hello Michael." I smiled into the phone as I waved at the little girl in front of me.

"Leather! Oh beautiful, amazing, kind Leather!" Michael sang into the phone to which I rolled my eyes causing the baby to burst into a fit of giggles. By this time, the little girl's mother let Ashton actually play with the child while she was taking care of her groceries.

"What did you do, Michael Gordon?"

"Nothing! Don't middle name me!" He yelled into the phone. I heard girlish giggles from the other side of the call and raised an eyebrow.

"Is that you giggling like a school girl! Did Ashton rub off on you?" I laughed.

"No! That was Krissy, you know, the girl I was telling you about. Well, anyway, I was wondering if I could invite her to the Thanksgiving dinner that you and Ari are throwing."

"Of course! I want to meet her SO bad!" I cheered into the phone causing Ashton to raise an eyebrow of which I ignored.

"Yes! Thank you, Leather!" Mikey sang again into the phone. A faint "thank you" rang through the phone before more giggling and hanging up from Mikey's end.

On our way back to the boys' house, Ashton could not stop talking about the little girl in the supermarket. "She was so cute and her eyes were so blue and she was such a happy little baby!" He gushed as he jumped around in the passenger seat.

"Ashton, are you going to leave me for that little girl because if so, tell me now." I joked and Ashton laughed.

"Of course not, but it did make me realize something."

"Care to share?"

"Well," he began as he reached over to take one of my hands off of the steering wheel and hold it in his own, "it made me realize that I'm excited to have a family one day and I hope to have that family with you."

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