Chapter Thirteen ~ Leather

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~Leather's POV~

"So how mad was she that I'm here?" Luke questioned from the kitchen as I hung up the phone with Ari.

"Pretty upset, but Ashton is there so she really doesn't have a right." I answered back as I walked into the kitchen to refill my coffee cup. "She called you her boyfriend." I yawned as Luke handed my coffee cup back to me.

"What?!" His eyes went wide as I took a sip of my coffee.

"She was all, 'Why is my boyfriend at your apartment' and then realized what she said."

"Maybe that means I have a chance." Luke smiled into his lucky charms and I rolled my eyes. "Cal wants you to call him and tell him the address for the party."

I groaned and picked up my phone off the counter. I went into my phone log to find Calum's number and dropped my mug out of my hands as I covered my mouth.

"Jesus, Leather! Your foot!" Luke screamed at the small amount of blood that was forming on my foot due to the shattered glass.

"Luke, were you with Ash last night?" I muttered as I stared at my phone with wide eyes.

"No, he's been disappearing at night. Why?" I stayed silent and Luke walked in front of me and took me by my shoulders. "Leather, what's wrong?"

"I called Ashton last night and apparently had a twenty minute conversation with him."

Luke took my phone and put it back on the counter. "It was probably a butt answer and you probably just rambled into a pant pocket. He probably doesn't even know you called."

I nodded my head and ran my hands through my tangled hair. "You're right."

"Yes, I am. Now, go shower because you look and smell awful and clean up that foot and I'll clean up the kitchen." Luke smiled and kicked my butt as he turned me around towards the entryway of the kitchen.

As I walked out of the kitchen, I giggled to myself and muttered, "Ha, maybe if Ashton's been disappearing at night he's the guy who has been outside my apartment since you guys came back," loud enough for Luke to hear and tell me to shut up and shower.


"These are the people Ari hangs out with now?" Luke whispered to me as we walked into the party.

"Yeah, she has a bunch of sorority friends now." I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed two beers and handed one to Luke. He gave me a wary look and I giggled. "I won't tell Liz, scout's honour."

We laughed and squeezed through the mass of sweaty, half-naked bodies to where Ari said she would meet me. I saw Ari and her friends all in their matching Playboy Bunny costumes leaning against the makeshift bar with Trent standing behind her.

"Leather!" Ari cheered as she saw me emerge from the crowd. Her eyes focused on Luke's as Trent's grip tightened on her waist.

"Hey! You guys look...great!" I managed out with a smile and said hi to Ari's friends. They didn't like me very much. The only reason I was even invited was because of Bryson and Ari. Speaking of Bryson, I needed to find him and talk to him about last night.

"Are you two in like, a couple's costume? I thought you were with Bryson." Kelsey, one of Ari's blonde haired, big boobed, size two friends asked.

"Luke and I are just friends as are Bryson and I." I answered with a smile. Ari said I need to be nicer to her friends.

"That's not what Bryson has been telling everyone." Kelsey and Brittany laughed to each other.

"C'mon, Leather. Let's go find Cal and get you a drink." Luke tugged on my arm, but I pulled away. Earlier, I told Luke what I had thought happened last night which is why I knew he was trying to protect me, but I just wanted to be alone.

"I'm going to get some air." I said as I turned to go back into the crowd. I heard Ari scream after me, but I ignored her.

My wings were quite large and getting in the way. People kept hitting them and moving them away. Finally, someone pushed me and I fell flat on my ass and my ankle twisted as my heels went sideways.

Before I knew what was happening, I was being lifted in the air and carried through the crowd. I looked to see who it was and saw someone dressed as Batman. Oh great, Bryson.

"Yeah, cause you're exactly the person I wanted to see after last night." I rolled my eyes and scoffed, but he remained silent. "Oh, so now you decide to shut your mouth after laughing at me and making me feel like an idiot."

We made it outside and onto the lawn outside of the sorority house. I jumped out of Bryson's arms and onto the grass; wrong idea. I screamed in pain as I landed on my ankle resulting in my kicking off my heels.

"So you're not going to say anything?" I questioned, but he stayed silent. "Well, listen here, mister, I," I was cut off by his lips on mine. I got a fluttery feeling in my stomach, which I haven't felt in months. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

When he pulled away, I chuckled while catching my breath. "Very nice save from last night." He began walking away and I grabbed his arm. "Hey, you have a lot of nerve just walking away after that considering what you did last night, Bryson." He turned swiftly on his heels and faced me. "Oh, so that got your attention? I know that you told people we did something last night, Bryson. What do you think people would do if they knew you tried undressing me while I could barely stand, huh?" I spat the last part. He ripped his arm from my grasp and began walking away from the party and down the street. I called after him, but he ignored me.

I cursed under my breath and I took out my phone to dial Luke as I waddled over to the steps to sit down, but I got no answer. I called Cal and Ari, but they didn't answer either. I sent Luke a text letting him know where I was going and to take a taxi home and that I would reimburse him next time I saw him.

I hopped my way two houses down to my car and thanked the lord I didn't hurt my driving foot. I threw my wings into the back seat before starting the car and heading to the studio. John gave me a key so I could work whenever I wanted to. Lately, I had been going there to work on a new song at late hours so no one was there.

I got an ice pack from the break room area before going into one of the rooms and playing around with some of the new song I recorded.

In the middle of fixing a few chords, I heard a crash come from the hallway. I nearly jumped out of my seat and waited until I heard another noise. I squealed as I heard a bang and a low grunt.

I grabbed a microphone stand and inched my way down the hallway towards the main entrance. Seriously, could this night get any worse? I saw a black figure come down the hallway at me.

"If you come any closer, I swear I will stick this microphone stand so far up your ass, it will come out your eye."

I heard a familiar giggle and a voice that now I only heard in my dreams. "I would have to be facing the other way for you to get it up my ass." He took the stand from me and set it down from its previous position of a spear. "You left the door open. Be careful next time." He smiled before wrapping his arm around me and guiding me back into the studio room. Man, this has been a long night and I have a feeling it's about to get longer.

So what did you guys think?! Bryson kissed Leather! Or was it Ashton? Or was it some random guy? I mean, Batman is a popular costume. Who do you think is at the studio with her?! What happens with Luke and Ari at the party?!(hehe that rhymed and I am only sort of sorry for all of the rhetorical questions!) I hope you loved the chapter and that you keep reading to see what happens. As always, I give you all my love!!!! Harmony xxx

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