Chapter Nine - Leather

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~Leather's POV~

"Why did I say yes to this?" Luke groaned as we walked down the aisles of a Halloween store.

"I've been asking myself the same thing." I smirked at him earning a roll of his blue eyes. "You know you can back out at any time."

"No! That is even worse!" This time I groaned and Luke flicked me. "Why are you even shopping today? I thought you went with Ari and the dreamboat cowboys." I could hear the disgust in Luke's voice which caused me to giggle.

"I told them I was sick last night." I shrugged and Luke raised an eyebrow. "I just had a bad night with too many thoughts going on in my head and some creepy guy in a dark hoodie was creeping outside my apartment and staring up at me while I was on the fire escape."

"You should be careful with that."

"Thanks, Captain Obvious." I rolled my eyes and pulled Luke over to the superhero section. "How about you be a kick ass superhero and whisk Ari off her feet and fly off into the starry night!"

Luke furrowed his eyebrows and let out a small chuckle. "I think you've been watching one too many rom-coms lately." I shrugged and began sifting through the Superman costumes. "Plus, if Bryson is going as Batman, I bet his best buddy is going as a superhero too."

"Actually he is being Hugh Heffner and Ari is being a Playboy bunny with a couple of her friends." Luke was silent and I turned to see him with his mouth hung open. "You okay? to Luke!" I waved my hand in front of his face before flicking his nose.

"She's really changed." Luke sighed as he took the Superman costume I handed him.

"We've all changed, Luke." I gave him a small smile and walked to the female section.

"I haven't." Luke stated and picked out a Superman corset with matching booty shorts. "Here, we can match."

"That is extremely slutty." I laughed and continued walking.

"That seems to be the theme at this thing." Luke shot back and I continued walking. "Wait, I bet you don't have the balls to wear this just like you don't have the balls to talk to Ashton." I turned sharply on my heels and glared at Luke.

I grabbed the outfit from his hands and walked off to the dressing room. I heard Luke's chuckles from the other side of the door and I groaned.

I have tried talking to Ashton. He's the one who is being a jerk and not even showing up to our writing session today and holy, sweet, baby Jesus, how am I supposed to fit my boobs into this thing?

After a few minutes of struggling, I finally got the dumb outfit on and swung open the door. "Supergirl at your service." I smirked, but my smirk was instantly wiped off my face when I saw Luke talking to Ashton. Both of their eyes went wide and I reached back into the dressing room for my jacket and put it in front of my body.

"I guess I was wrong." Luke laughed and I shot him a glare. "Hey, at least you didn't have that on last night when that guy was outside your apartment." Luke chuckled and Ashton choked on the coffee he was sipping from.

I kicked Luke in the shins and muttered a hostile 'fuck off' at him. I then turned my attention to Ashton. "Glad to know you're still alive. I understand that you and Michael have a problem with me, but you could've at least answered my calls or something. I could get fired because you two didn't show up. I worked so hard for this."

"You're right and I'm sorry. I told you the first day that I would try and I promise I'll try harder." Ashton said with a small smile.

I was so shocked at his answer that I didn't say anything until Luke nudged me with his foot. "Oh...right. It's fine. I'm gonna go get this thing off because I can't breathe." I mumbled as I went back into the dressing room.

When I came out, I was met with Luke who was holding up forty inch black angel wings. I raised an eyebrow and he shrugged his shoulders. "I remember you watching One Tree Hill and loving that Peyton dressed as a black angel so I thought you would like these and I felt like I should make that whole situation up to you."

I smiled and kissed Luke on the cheek while taking the wings from him. "You're the best. How did you know I loved her costume?"

"Because you wouldn't shut up about it. It was quite annoying." He teased and I smacked his arm. "You know, we still don't know what I am going to be." Luke pouted and I poked his cheek.

"Don't you worry, I've got just the thing!" I clapped my hands together before grabbing one of Luke's and dragging him over to the makeup section of the store.

"Umm...Leather." You could hear the worry in his voice which I just laughed off. I grabbed white and black face makeup and shoved it into his chest. He studied the contents of his hands and gave me a skeptical look. "What is this for?"

"Well, you see, I am going to make your face into a sexy skeleton and you're gonna dress in all black and you're gonna be the Angel of Death's loyal subject or lackie or first victim."

"What about your boy toy? Won't he be upset that your costume matches mine?" I cringed at Luke using the same nickname for Bryson that Ari does.

"He is not my 'boy toy' and I really don't care. You're my best friend, Lukey."

"Aww." Luke cooed at me while we pulled me into a hug. "I missed my squishy Leather." I dug my nail into his side and he winced before letting me go. "Statement withdrawn." We both fell into a fit of giggles before heading up to the registers to pay. "So what do we do for clothes?"

"We go buy you black pants, a black button up because all guys look fine as hell in a black button up and I go get a little black dress."

"What would I do without you?" Luke joked as he put an arm around my shoulder.

"I dunno, probably cry because you need me in your life." Luke flicked my nose as we walked out of the store and into the LA sun.

We went out to lunch at a little cafe and he told me about tour and all the crazy fans. Our conversation was interrupted by my phone buzzing with a call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" I wearily answered the phone.

"Hey, is this Leather Monroe?" The mysterious voice asked.

"Yes, can I help you?"

"My name is Benji Madden. My brother , Joel and I talked to your boss John who said we should talk to you. We have a song we think would be good for the band you're working with and we would love for you all to listen to it sometime soon."

My jaw dropped and Luke gave me a worrisome look. "That sounds awesome. I will talk to the boys and get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you so much for this opportunity, I know they will love it."

"No problem. Can't wait to hear back from you!"

I hung up the phone and just looked at my screen with wide eyes. "Leather, are you okay? Who was that?" Luke asked and he waved his hand it front of my face.

I grabbed his hand along with my phone and the bags from shopping. "C'mon, we have to go talk to the boys. You're not going to believe this!" I screamed as I pulled Luke toward my car.

Can you guys guess what's coming next?! I can't wait! Also, I missed Leather and Luke time! Keep reading! I love you all SO much! ~Harmony xx

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