Chapter Two: Its complicated!

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the next day was even more awkward.

as i was sitting with steve at lunch, i saw billy across the room with his friends.
he stood up and made eye contact with me, and tilted his head off to the right. he turned around and left signalling me to go meet him.

"hey i, uh, i have to got use the restroom." i told steve as he nodded. its like he doesn't care anymore!

i exit the cafeteria to then see Billy standing in the hallway.

"Can you explain to me what the hell happened last night?" he nearly shouted as i approached him.

"Billy i got uncomfortable , thats all-"

"About what? the fact that you're the first person i have ever talked to about any of this stuff and that its hard for me to accept the fact that i wasnt good enough for my mom to take me with her when she fucking left?" he exclaimed

"don't you think i feel the exact same way! from the very beginning, i could tell you and i had something in common. why else do you think i would try to help you study? im just a good person? no. you beat up my boyfriend for christ's sake! i knew you wanted something for you to get away from your life, and hell so did i. that night when you beat Steve up? You weren't punching him. You were punching someone else. i've even seen you in class even after i help you. you dont pay attention or do jack shit!"


why is this such a big deal?

we're merely acquaintances, although i have known him for 8 months.

steve, hasn't been the ~best~ lately but...

no, Y/N, you cant keep thinking about him like that.

next thing i know is billy's lips are suddenly pressed against mine and i immediately push away.


maybe not,


i back up, confused while he's leaning against the locker.

but i kiss him again, forgetting about steve.

and lets just say it stopped with kisses.

a week went by after little makeout sessions in janitors closets, and Billy walks up to me at my locker.

thankfully, Steve wasn't there that day.

he walks up to me, with his teasing grin. "Hey Miss Y/L/N, what are you doing tonight?" he finishes speaking low and seductive into my ear.

i turn and close my locker door, leaning against the lockers and look to see if anyone's in the hallway.

no one.

"You know, studying. At home. I might even stop at Steves..." i trail off after making excuses.

"Oh, Y/N, come on, what do ya say?" he pulls away from my ear and looks around, then back at me. "You..." he puts his left arm by my head. "Me..." he then puts his right arm on the opposite side, looks down, then back up at me dreamily. "A bed?"  he suggests as he looks at my lips. this man really knows how to get women.

he's so, pretty.

he made my mouth so dry because of how low he made my mouth drop.

i literally feel like im about to start sweating.

"Billy, im with Steve..." i say as his lips trail to my neck.

"Okay, yeah, but so what? Come on, just uh, meet me at Motel 6 on Cornwallis at, 8:00pm?" he spoke seductively into my ear, again.

More than anything.     Billy Hargrove X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now