Chapter Nine: The Holloway's.

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6:50pm, July 1st, 1985.

El opens the door.

We walk in, and hear light music.

"This is her house." Max says

"What?" El inquires.

"Heather's house." i explain.

We get startled by laughter coming from the left. We turn the corner only for me to hear Billy's voice go "Isn't that cute, huh?"

the woman goes "He's so funny!"

"wh-Billy? What are you doing here-"

"Max. Y/N." he doesn't even sound like himself. its the sweetest, and highest, i've ever heard his voice go.

im at a loss for words.

"We didn't mean to... barge in. We tried to knock, but...maybe you didnt hear us over the storm." Max explains.

"Im sorry, who is this dripping all over my living room right now?" the man asks.

Billy chuckles. "Im sorry. Janet, Tom, this... is my sister Maxine." He stands up and makes his way over to us.

"And, my lovely girlfriend, Y/N." He comes over and kisses me passionately.

you know, i kiss back. i miss him.

but this isn't him.

"Oh!" 'Janet' says.

Billy sounding so nice is weird.

"What on Earth are you doing here? Is something wrong?" he questions as he holds onto me the way he usually does.

the protective way.
the one where he turns me around so im not facing him, and he lovingly puts his arm "around" my neck while i hold onto his arm.

but now, it feels more possessive.

this. is. not. him.

I mean, it's his body, I would know that better than anyone.

But he isn't speaking.

I know.

If i could, I would pull him outside and smack him crazy to bring him back.

I dont even know who has him.

What, for that matter.

"We just wanted to make sure everything was okay." I responded, playing along acting like everything is fine.

"Okay? Why wouldn't it be okay?" Billy asks all of us.

"Where is she?" El blurts.

He lets go of me aggressively and walks over to El.

"I'm sorry. Where is who?" Billy responds.

Heather enters the room from the kitchen.

"Well, they're a little burnt, i'm sorry—" she apologizes.

this bitch.

i swear to fucking god if he's trying to cover up cheating with HER-

"Heather! My friend, (ok good. "Friend") this is my sister, Maxine, and my girlfriend, Y/N." Billy nearly shouts.

"Girlfriend?"she gets taken back by.

He turns back to El and says, "And, I'm sorry, i did not quite catch your name."


"El." he states "Now, what is it you were saying, El? You were looking for somebody?"

"i-i saw,-" El stuttered.

"Your manager. At the pool." Max said.

"Yeah, he said you didn't come into work today and neither did Heather, so we got worried. You could've called in, or at least me..." I pitched in, playing dumb again.

"Heather wasn't feeling so hot today, so we thought we'd take the day off to nurse her back to health. But you're feeling just fine right now, arent you, Heather?" Billy said as he winked at her.

"Im feeling so much better." Heather said reassuringly.

Billy looked back over at us, and walked over to me, then holding me the same way, but tighter.

"Do you girls want a cookie?" she asks.

"They're fresh out of the oven!"

the girls are speechless.

"We're fine, Heather. Thank you. And uh, Billy, the girls and I will get going now. Get back to your... friendly, dinner." i say

"Y/N..." Max says

"what?" i whisper to her. "Bye you guys!"


we leave and get on Max's bike as they both ask me "Y/N? Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." I tell them.

"Im fine." I murmur and look back at Billy throught the door.


we bike a little longer before i have a vision of... I dont know what. and i get that queasy feeling in my stomach again.

"somethings wrong. very, wrong." i shudder under my breath.

the storm was too loud so El and Max didn't hear me, but this was bad.

too bad.

More than anything.     Billy Hargrove X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now